
Thursday, November 17, 2022

Commentary: The Rise of Intersectionality in Medicine Will Have Serious Consequences

In early October, my alma mater made headlines after it decided to fire chemistry professor Dr. Maitland Jones Jr. after 82 of his students signed a petition noting that his organic chemistry class was “too hard.” The students accused Jones of purposely making the class difficult, citing that their low scores negatively impacted their “well-being,” and their chances of getting into medical school. Instead of evaluating the rigor and substance of Jones’ curriculum, NYU justified its hasty action by noting the class’s unfavorable student reviews. This type of judgment would never pass in the fields of architecture, aerial engineering, or even the food service industry; why is it permissible here?


  1. Why would people even NEED to go to med school when medical decisions are made by politicians, solely based on how much money they'll get from the Pfizers of the world?

  2. Organic chemistry is supposed to be hard, ESPECIALLY for those planning on going into medical school.

    O-chem is all about rote memorization. If you can count to 4, you have figured out what is attaching to that random carbon atom: All the rest is memorizing what all that crap is called....

    Full disclosure: When I entered my undergrad, I was planning on going to medical school - Ochem had different ideas. I was young (I graduated from college at 18) and in a lecture hall with 800 other students, a doctoral student for whom english was not a first or second language, and I was unprepared for what was to come. First class I ever failed, and I ran off and became an astronautical engineer.

    I returned to college and took charge of Ochem about 12 years later, and went on to medical school. Do I ever use anything I learned in Ochem in my practice? Not that I could specify...was it needed for classes in med school? Only generally....

    But being able to memorize facts? That is essential.

    1. Is an "astronautical engineer" anything like an aerospace engineer?

    2. It was a guarantee that those who tried to memorize (unless they had truly prodigious memories) organic chemistry compounds and reactions rather than trying to understand the how and why (fabulously well and very clearly explained in 8th grade English in the opening chapters of Dr. Maitland Jones' book) were doomed to fail; all they had to do was read.

    3. Astro engineer is kind of like aero, but we learned to design rockets and engines, and studied orbital mechanics. Back then in the heyday of the space program it was a high-value major, today I think there are only 5 or 6 schools that offer it (the US Air Force Academy being one).

      So, I'm kind of a rocket surgeon, now

    4. WRT Professor Jones' book, it was published in 1996, I attended undergrad in the mid 1970s

    5. I was a chem major and took organic in'59 - wish we had his book back then

  3. Note to self: ensure "doctor" did not attend NYU.

  4. What the hell is "social justice" if your doctor is incompetent and you die because of it? TALK about dumbing down the electorate, here you are.

  5. If I am ever in a hospital I am going to ask the Doctor where they got their Degree and if it is NYU I will ask for someone else. I happen to be an Electrical Engineer and I did not get that way by easy classes.
    I feel with COVID that almost all Doctors and Nurses have sold out to Big Pharma and the Hospital/Big Medical Plan Industry. I happen to use a Private Doctor that is not part of that.

    1. JG: You "feel"? No, no. Did you "feel" your way through electrical engineering? Think. Surmise. Propose. Conclude. But do not "feel."

    2. Sorry, but they've woked electrical engineering and all other hard sciences and maths and applied sciences. Nothing is safe anymore from the wokesters.

  6. Leftists ruin everything.....

  7. ...why is it permissible here?

    Because the Medical/Pharmaceutical industry is generally not about patient care, it's about money. These 82 students have obviously gotten the memo, they have no interest in providing their future patients with the best care they are capable of, they just want to get into the field with the least amount of work. This attitude is probably not limited to their study habits, I'm guessing they demonstrate this level of concern for others in every other facet of their lives.

  8. "Is Organic Chemistry. Is suppose be hard." /Russian voice

  9. This type of judgment would never pass in the fields of architecture, aerial engineering, or even the food service industry; why is it permissible here?

    Uhhh, don't bet on it. Seems to me there was a pedestrian bridge in Florida designed by women that kinda sorta fell the eff down.

    Also note the first 5 or 6 hits on Google if you look it up all go to fack-checking sites that try to downplay the all-women aspect.

  10. You had me at intersectionality. Just what the fuck is intersectionality?

    1. That's where you get run over from both directions by clueless wokesters.

  11. They should tell those 82 students "maybe you're to stupid to be a doctor". As for that bridge. It collapsed due to one of the support rods being overtightened because the strain gauge was not put in place correctly. A real architect would be there to oversee that critical phase and would have designed the bridge so a single rod failure wouldn't bring the whole thing down. But no, it was more important to have it designed by the "first Latino woman" who also didn't have much experience either. Welcome to Clown World.

  12. Publish the names of every whiney, immature student who signed the petition. Make them regret that stupid decision for the rest of their lives. Publish the names of those who made the decision to fire the professor.

  13. Affirmative Action is why I only go to white/jewish/asian doctors. Never black.

    1. Can not argue that. But for the people I have hired, 1 in 10 know what they are doing. Any profession. Your own common sense is your best bet. Just because they are suppose to be professional does not cut it. The doctor that graduated at the bottom of his class is called.... doctor.

  14. When 'I feel' has replaced 'I think'.
    If Rodin were to sculpt today, his work wiuld be named, The Feeler. Rather than a pose of deep contemplation, it would be reposed on the coach with a half empty bag of chips in hand, the detritus thereof broadcast upon a bulbous belly. A closed textbook nearby.


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