
Thursday, January 05, 2023

Black support for GOP ticked up in this year's midterms

Black voters have been a steady foundation for Democratic candidates for decades, but that support appeared to show a few cracks in this year's elections. 

Republican candidates were backed by 14% of Black voters, compared with 8% in the last midterm elections four years ago, according to AP VoteCast, an extensive national survey of the electorate.


  1. Interesting. More black votes.
    That would have help before 2020, since then voting does not really matter anymore.

  2. Hoping for the black vote seems a difficult way to win a majority. It'd be simpler to make them hate the Dems equally and vote 3rd party. People don't vote for, so much as they vote against.

  3. That's why they have to cheat going forward all minorities are more and more voting RED

  4. Irrelevant. The DNC proved conclusively in 2020 and 2022 that they have the power to decide who wins any electoral office they choose to win. TINVOWOOT

  5. Losing black votes only means slightly less ballot harvesting. The ability to create ballots out of thin air means the vote is dead. See above comments.


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