
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Hang on Grandpa, it's going to be a wild ride!

NEW YORK - The number of senior citizens going to emergency rooms for marijuana-related issues has skyrocketed in the past few years.

A new study by the University of California San Diego revealed cannabis-related emergency room visits skyrocketed 1808% among Californians over the age of 65, and up from 2005 to 2019.


Some of the shit I was smoking before I moved out here was so powerful that I couldn't get more than two or three tokes down before I was too stoned to function, and I'd been a daily smoker for 35 years for the most part. I can only imagine how much stronger it is now.


  1. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge....

  2. I can't confirm and the numbers seem a bit arbitrary but the numbers I hear bandied about is the THC of the 60s was about 15%, with todays THC being 85%. Again, seems arbitrary, BUT I see hyperemesis cannabinoid syndrome at least weekly - 2 keys - vomiting improves with taking hot shower and/or being seen at multiple ED in the past week without improvement. Medically - takes Haldol to break the cycle, or applying hot sauce to the abdomen (have to do for pregnant woman, since Haldol is a no-no)

    1. Most top shelf weed today and I´m talking buds not oils, tinctures, shatter, edibles,etc where the percentage of THC is the amount of THC not the strength of the THC.

      The top shelf weed is generally 20% to 28-29% THC. The weed from the ´60´s was generally in the mid to high single digits THC% not 15%

      Hiker MIke

    2. I am not a doctor, but have been known to self-medicate...

      "Flower" (natural buds) is commonly available at percentages as high as 38%, with most being between about 28 to 32%. I see people sit down and chain smoke joints of this w/o ill effects.

      Extracts (vape oil) is commonly available in concentrations as high as 92%, with many being between 82 and 90%. I see people smoke this like many people smoke joints, again, no ill effects.

      "Shatter" (THC chemically extracted (butane, etc.)) is above 92% and "Diamonds" (another chemically extracted THC product) can be as high as 97%. There are other high-concentration extracts that run almost this high, and, you guessed it, no ill effects.

      Both the vape oil and the shatter/diamonds are kind of self-limiting, usually causing the user to hack & cough like the old-time hash oil used to do.

      The problem with the highest concentration extracts is the loss of terpines, which typically enhance the effects of THC. Oddly, one can get more stoned on lower concentration preparations due to the effect of various terpines.

      I suspect the medical emergencies come from the edibles, which usually contain between 20 and 25 mg THC. People eat one, don't feel anything for a while, eat another, and maybe another, then suddenly find they have ingested too much. Same with those who eat more than one at once without realizing just how concentrated the THC is. Like pills, edibles are difficult to regulate if you are unfamiliar.


  3. Weed now is nothing like what we smoked when I was young.
    Recently at a gathering of friends I was offered a hit of weed. I hadn't smoked since the 80s and I thought sure, why not? I'm retired so I don't have to worry about a piss test.
    In the old days we'd take 4 or 5 hits so I asked for a second hit. The girl that had the weed told me I might want to wait a while. I'm glad I didn't take that second hit. After a few minutes it hit me. I was fucking baked. I couldn't believe how strong that shit was.
    She told me there was nothing special about it. It was just average weed.
    The idea of OD'ing on weed used to be laughable. Not any more.

    1. Ah, the much sought after One Hitter Quitter. Good shit.

    2. Yeah, the stuff today is a lot stronger than it was but there's something else weird about the weed today. I started smoking in 1968. Back then, in western New York it was all Mexican ragweed, sticks and stems and seeds and crumbled leaves, but you could still get pretty stoned on it if you smoked enough. It was years before I saw my first flower bud. Then in 1970 we got hit with a flood of hash from the Middle East - Red Lebanese, blond Moroccan and Afghani black, and that shit was good. Instant red eyes and puffy eyelids. Can't finish a sentence because I forgot. But through all that I never once experienced paranoia. That shit didn't happen until the mid 70's after I was in California and we started getting weed from Northern California. Yeah, you could get the buzz with fewer hits but along with the familiar buzz was this sensation that the walls were closing in, and that had never happened before, and I don't think it was just the THC level. As I said before, we were getting plenty buzzed on the hash and the weed we were smoking before. Something in the recipe is different and I don't quite know what it is.

  4. I remember one of those emergency room shows where a wealthy woman came in worried she might be having a stroke or something. A nurse got suspicious and covertly got a blood test for THC. Bam, positive. Husband was threatening to sue for slander etc. So they asked her if she ate something today. Her son came home from college and she found in his room these yummy, delicious brownies.

  5. When I go to the local pot stores, I would seek out the lowest THC ratings I could find. I like a good joint now and then, much like others like a cigarette or cigar and as mentioned in previous comments, hard to smoke much at one time these days.
    I sure miss the old Columbian, Panama Red and other vintage weed strains.

  6. I'll smoke to that.
    Bitches, man the fuck up.
    Died Suddenly, but not from cannabis.


    Thank me later.

  8. What a bunch of lightweights. I quit in 1977 Because I didn't like being carrotized by the Columbian and shit that was around then. Started again as an old fart for the various aches and pains we get. Smoke very little now, as it is not needed, but too strong? Hell, Wirecutter, that hash we used to get in Germany was some good shit, but not too strong. I think people getting it and not realizing what it is that is doing it. Those fucking edibles will sneak up on you and there's nothing you can do but hang on and try to enjoy the ride. Never touch them, myself.

    1. There was this hash over there we used to smoke called, Mean Green. It was purportedly laced with Morphine. I know it had something added to it and it would make you mind numbingly stupid for a while.

    2. Mike, we called it morphine green.

    3. "Trippin' Green"

  9. Shit is so strong now that I got a contact high last summer. btw, I was on the motorcycle behind a smoked out pick up truck. One time a girl in front of me at the grocery check out opened her bag to get her wallet and you could smell how loud it was.
    - WDS

  10. Still have an original Proto Pipe around here somewhere...

    A memory flogger:

  11. Did some work at a dispensary in Ohio. Guy said the shit from the 80s was a 2 or 3 on the scale. The stuff they were selling was a 24 to 26 on that scale. No wonder people are so fucked up. This shit is like weedzilla.

  12. Weed was the center of the Earth to me from the time I was 12 to 19 years old (I started at 6 thanks to an older sister). I lived it, needed it, and sold it. I was in just out of High School in Florida at the time that sinsemilla (higher end weed) was taking over. That was around 1980. I didn't like it and I quit. It's been 40 years since I've smoked it.

    I have vaped it a couple of times in the past few years, but didn't like it much.

  13. This post got me checking an on-line dispensary for flower. Lowest THC - only one - was 17% (at $45/oz). Most in high 20s/low 30s (and up to $315/oz). Not Grand-dad's smoke.


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