
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Commentary: Cancelling Newsmax Is Cancelling Your Choice

Censorship of conservative voices by establishment media owners has hit a new low with the decision by AT&T and its subsidiary DirecTV to drop Newsmax from their offerings. One snide commenter was quoted as saying that conservatives have Fox News, why do they need Newsmax or OAN for that matter.

The answer is obvious. As Fox News pushes more and more to the left, viewers who want a variety of honest opinions and reporting are moving to Newsmax and where it is available One America News.  With quality hosts like Sean Spicer (who I have known for more than fifteen years) asking tough questions of top quality guests, Newsmax keeps Fox News and their management team honest.


  1. I have personally been off FOX News since the crap they pulled in the 2020 election, and we have been watching it at the firehouse. I lost it at home off DISH Network when I cut my channel plan to bare bones, so I watch it free and live streaming on ROKU or on the app on my phone. At the firehouse, it just disappeared off of Charter Spectrum one day requiring a special subscription, so just like at home we watch it for free streaming on a ROKU or on a desktop computer.

    1. Hey, FYI I can no longer get to your blog. G**gle has an "Age warning" and they demand that I enter a CC or state ID???

    2. Try switching your browser to Firefox. Google and Chrome doesn't like conservatives.

    3. I got the warning, but only had to click that I'm of age and it went through. As an aside, Goolag has been nagging me about once a week for at least six months that I "must" provide a date of birth on my account. Eff 'em.

  2. I have never commented on this site before but I've been enjoying it and "borrowing" your outstanding memes and gifs for some time now. I hope that is acceptable to you - I'm guessing you're like the rest of us on-line junkies who do it all the time. As for Newsmax being cancelled, it is totally wrong to cancel either them or OANN However, of the two - OANN and Newsmax - it IS Newsmax who would have been my choice - THEY are the ones who started on the downward slide way back in 2015/2016 when they so rudely shut down Dennis Michael Lynch live, on-air. They simply cut his mic! They also were exceedingly rude to Mike Lindell and, when Dominion sued them, they promptly removed ALL articles and any reference to the obvious fraud committed in the 2020 election. They IMMEDIATELY backpedaled!!! Not so for OANN!!! So, TBH? I could care less what happens to Newsmax! But that's just them specifically - it's wrong overall.

    1. Help yourself to any memes or gifs you like - free to me, free to you.

    2. The main reason AT&T cut them is because they own CNN with tanking ratings so they are trying to cut the competition wherever they are able

    3. The Wirecutter is generous with his talent.
      But the US Robbery, Thieves Division, will expect their 10 percent for The Big Guy. And a little something for their trouble, too.
      Expect a visit.

    4. No talent, I just plow through endless garbage to find the gems.

  3. Subscribe to Klowd. You get OAN, Newsmax, and some halfway decent European networks (because the extreme Left MSM doesn't want us to know what's going on in the rest of the world).

  4. Hopefully DirectTv tanks when NFL starts up next season. They lost the NFL ticket to youtube. I dont watch it, but they will lose one group of watchers.

  5. Our local DirecTV satellite service is now offering the First TV, a conservative news station which feature Bill O'Reilly, Liz Wheeler and other conservatives. Still very new, so content is limited, but it helps since we lost OAN several months ago. No idea how long this station will last.

  6. Watch free on

  7. Full disclosure. I didn't read the whole article BUT according to local pundit Eric Erickson, here's what is really behind this. Apparently Newsmax has been providing itself free of charge to these vendors. Now they want to get paid. The vendors don't think there's enough viewership to support paying and have refused. If that's true (haven't researched deep enough), then I'd say this is on Newsmax and not AT&T.


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