
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Feds seek to limit telehealth prescriptions for some drugs

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration moved Friday to require patients see a doctor in person before getting attention deficit disorder medication or addictive painkillers, toughening access to the drugs against the backdrop of a deepening opioid crisis. 

The proposal could overhaul the way millions of Americans get some prescriptions after three years of relying on telehealth for doctor's appointments by computer or phone during the pandemic.


This is just fucking stupid. Some people, such as my wife, have the same amount of painkillers prescribed every single month. What difference does it make whether LadyDoc prescribes them over the phone or in a face to face visit?
These telehealth appointments have been a real blessing for Lisa, keeping her from having to suffer through a ride into town just to get the medications she needs. She's bedridden most of the time, and sitting in her van for 15 minutes each way and then a half hour in LadyDoc's office wipes her out for the rest of the day.
Thanks to the government now, she gets only the bare minimum of painkillers she needs to just exist, forget about leading a normal life, and now they're going to make it worse for her?


  1. If there is any way that the dotgov can interject itself into your life, they will, whether you want/need them or not.

  2. There's no tele-medicine here in SC and I can't even refill my BP meds until I've only got 1 pill left. Is there some kinda black market for BP meds now? FFS....
    - WDS

    1. Lisa gets her meds refilled with a 90 day supply for some, 30 days for anything narcotic such as pain pills or muscle relaxers. For the months that have 31 days, she does without her pain meds one day.

    2. The Fed law on painkillers says the next prescription can be filled 2 days before the 30 day prescription expires. Talk to her doctor and explain what's going on.

      Had to fight with my wife's pain management doc over this very issue. His practice goes by 30 days is 30 days. We explained that the pharmacies might not have the drugs on a Sunday or a holiday, so that is literally setting wife up for a day of torture. And also that there are these things in Florida called hurricanes and we need a stock of a few days to hold us over till supplies return to normal.

      Doc agreed. Helps that wife is one of those who doesn't whine and try to supplement her pills with street drugs like a lot of people do.

    3. The feds were never given the authority to regulate medical care and should have nothing to say about what a pharmacy does. Don't know why we don't have more class action lawsuits on this kind of federal overreach.

    4. Beans, LadyDoc doesn't have a thing to do with it. Her and Lisa have a conversation, her meds are called in and filled but the pharmacy won't let me get any of them, even the non narcotic ones, until 30 or 90 days after the last pickup.
      We've tried all 3 pharmacies in town with the same result. They blame her insurance.

  3. Amazon deals drugs now.
    WTF does AI care about your physical location?
    Going to a sickness locus like a doctor's office unnecessarily seems like bad medicine.

  4. If you wanna fuck something up really well, ask .GOV to manage it.

    See gas cans.

  5. It's impacted my wife. Finding a good psychiatrist isn't easy, and we found a good one in another state. The guy really helped my wife get back on her feet, and now we're planning a trip to go see him. Ugh.

  6. Did we not just witness, in technicolor agony, what happens when the government inserts itself into health care. I take that back. After what BHO did to the system back in 2010; Trump’s disastrous foray into medicine and the promotion of Fauci and company in 2019 and 2020, and FJB’s continuation, I guess we get what we deserve. Carry on….

  7. Need Oxycodone or fentanyl? Telehealth a Mexican cartel member and the drugs will be delivered overnight by a coyote who crossed the southern border unimpeded

  8. My ex had a toe removed and needed something for pain but the doctor had gone on vacation. Her primary care physician wouldn't do anything for her so she had to see a friend who could get some. These new policies don't help anyone.

  9. “What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It's not good at much else.” -Tom Clancy

  10. "Need Oxycodone or fentanyl? Telehealth a Mexican cartel member and the drugs will be delivered overnight by a coyote who crossed the southern border unimpeded"

    Bunny, got a contact number, do they deliver in Hawaii? Kaiser is getting weird enough to make us look for alternatives!

    1. Elder Hang 10, They do, but you couldn't afford the shipping and handling costs.


    2. Fuck the FEDS!!! Have had 3 back surgeries and it was a major pain getting pain meds. Even had to take two drug tests and if I would have turned up positive for anything, no meds for me. Fentanyl is killing off most of these people, not the drugs they listed. I can only hope that the people making these bullshit rules up some day need pain meds and can't get them. Oh and by the way, fuck Joe Biden.

  11. That’s government’s function-making things worse!

  12. Control. It's an addiction to people in power. This decision increases their control, removing it from providers. That's all that matters to the criminals in power. If people suffer and die as a result they couldn't give a red rats ass.

  13. This is a continuance of fedgov inserting itself between patient and doctor.

    I, like millions of others, was caught between a rock and a hard place when squirrel shit Jeff Sessions halted all controlled substances, Schedule I-IV drugs, inclusive.

    My Dr finally conceived the idea of a written, signed contract between patient and doctor in order to prescribe. Even then it was a gamble for the first few months. I reckon the voices of tens of millions of legitimate patients was heard in D.C.

    Damn politicians. When we going hot? FJB. Double F the halfrican.

  14. jimmymcnulty2020@protonmail.comFebruary 28, 2023 at 10:08 PM

    The FDA and Biden don't care. Welcome to single payer. It is ALL about control.
    Try to get someone to prescribe extra, between supply chains and Govt, you will need them.
    I have an FDA contract, as everyone who prescribes controlled substances does. Can't cross them and continue to practice.

  15. I've nephew that had a logging business. Worked his ass off and MS hit. He lost everything. In a year he was in a chair. Decided fuck this and started different diets and came outta the chair. Walks like he's drunk but he walks. It's been probably twenty-five years since his dx. What he has to go through to get pain killers is just not right. At that he remains in constant pain because they won't give him the amount he needs. He's a good man.

  16. Feds push telehealth until all the doc jumped on the band wagon. Now the Fed wants to restrict what it can do. Fuck DC. and Fuck my doctor for charging me $180 dollars for a 10 minute video check in which he could n't tell shit so now he wants me to come in to the office. Fuck them all.


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