
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Minnesota Democrats propose ban on gas-powered lawnmowers, chainsaws

Two Democrat members of the Minnesota state legislature, Reps. Heather Edelson and Jerry Newton, proposed a ban on gas-powered chainsaws and lawnmowers in the North Star State on Monday.

According to Fox News, the ban would go into effect on January 1, 2025 and include "any machine that uses 'a spark ignition engine rated at or below 19 kilowatts or 25 gross horsepower.' Commonly used landscaping tools like lawn mowers, leaf blowers, hedge clippers, chainsaws, lawn edgers, string trimmers and brush cutters would all be prohibited by that definition." 


  1. The people who in times not too far past you'd typically find in rooms where the concrete walls were covered by mattresses are the ones who are now running the country.

  2. Not to mention outboard motors, ice augers and the smaller snow machines. Those geniuses are fixing to be real popular in the land of a million lakes.

  3. If they try to pass that nonsense in Kommiecticut, I will regularly start and run all my equipment, daring someone to stop me.

    When I lived in a more urban setting, a little darling environazi had the audacity to come onto my property and give me shit for using a gas powered leaf blower to clear my little city lot. I told her I would be more than happy to accommodate her, but she had to be willing to do her part. At the time gas was little less than $1.50 a gallon and I would use about 5 gallons to clean my entire property for fall cleanup. I offered her a rake and $10 plus meals and water to manually rake my entire lot by hand and then drive the leaves to the local leaf pile. I wanted my yard cleaned to my satisfaction. I could see she was angry with my offer, so I said I would be generous and make that $20. As you can imagine, she not only refused but gave me the typical LIBTURD double middle finger salute, to which I then offered her a less than pleasurable sexual experience to include bodily harm if she did not exit my property immediately. Uh... oops... the look on her face and the speed which with she left told me I probably went too far, but the cops never came so win for me.

  4. Great idea. Now cut your firewood with a hand saw. Because oil and gas are no more

    1. Until they get around to banning wood stoves because they heat the planet while releasing particulate matter into the atmosphere which in turn causes juvenile asthma.
      Wood stoves are responsible for destroying the planet while killing children. They must be banned.

      Do I need to say this? I will anyway.

    2. Not SARC. EPA has already issued "air quqlality" rules for wood stoves that make most existing wood stoves "non-compliant".
      Note how this is working for Germany. Their people are stripping the National Forests for wood. Soon they may recognize that their problems have been caused by their bought out .gov following the Davos crowd and the 3d world critters those .govs have imported to replace the citizens and go from zero to jackboots in a heartbeat. Again.
      John in Indy

    3. Elmo, they've already started on that in at least California.

    4. Arch- re: banning wood stoves. The CA clowns were nice enough to do a carve out for poverty cases like me. Not that I'd pay any attention to them if they hadn't.

  5. This will also later be enlarged to include small generators.

    And we all know why this is.

  6. Don't forget the woodchippers.
    Politicians really hate those, just betcha.

  7. Hey, as a Minnesota resident I see a new business opportunity: Bootleging yard equipment.

    1. I wonder if the MN government will set up screening stations like California does for out-of-state fruit and vegetables.

    2. The trick is to have an out of state friend who can bootleg banned stuff for you. That's how we get some of our vet supplies for our CA herd and other nefarious items that are outlawed by the suits in Sacramento, like Birchwood Casey Tru Oil.

    3. I should have said "an out of state friend driving a rig with out of state plates". The California Stasi only hassles its own residents.

    4. I see a business opportunity: sub-25 hp diesel engines.

  8. Good thing my Hinomoto 18hp tractor is diesel, I guess.

    This is a dangerous game being played, after the Twin Metals Mine and an OSB plant both cancelled within the last month, now tell loggers no more Husqy or Stihl to make a living or heat your home.

    These retards will probably say no more guns next, just another thing everyone will ignore until someone tries to enforce the idiocy. Then game on.

    1. Jerry Newton crawled out from under his family rock in 1937. He probably has no clue what his staff does. Heather does not realize Minnesota is not like Israel. It rains here and the grass has to be cut

  9. They pulled this shit in Commiefornia last year. I'm still waiting to see how many batteries it takes to cut down a Redwood.
    If they pass that crap up here in Washington I am going to get rich fixing all of those little engines.
    I should start stocking up on Chinesium carburators from FleaBay now.
    As I recall, anything you already have is Grandfathered. They just won't let you buy anything new.
    Effectively killing several multi billion dollar a year businesses.
    Of course the assholes writing these insane laws don't do any of their own yard work so they can feel good about their self righteous stupidity.
    There are reasons all those little machines were invented in the first place.

    1. Phil-
      2 in 1 jugs (aka Dolmar jugs) have been illegal in California for about 30 years. But guess what? You can buy them on eBay. I've bought them for friends and have one myself, with a new spare put away for when the first one wears out. People will always figure out a way to work around the totalitarians.

      When they passed the law banning gas power equipment the first thing I thought of was timber fallers and their pro saws. I immediately wondered "Do these idiots (the Statists) expect a guy to pack 100 pounds of batteries into the brush along with the 50 pounds they're already packing?"

      California is being run by complete morons.

      Oh, and one last thing. I noticed during the fires last year that Forest Service Hot Shot crews were all packing 2 in 1 jugs while fighting fires in California. I'd have liked to have seen a California Air Resources Board Pollution Control Associate out there trying to cite them for being in possession of those jugs.
      What a joke.

  10. Leave it to Democrats to tackle the big issues!!!

  11. They din't hate woodchippers as much as they will soon.
    John in Indy

  12. I’d just start a business converting all those mowers to 26 horse Kohlers or Hondas. I realize thigh, that a 26 horse weed eater, blower or saw would be a tad awkward. Maybe you could just give the little motors a tune and a new carb and run them on model airplane fuel, you know, the stuff that is methanol with a 20-30% nitro load. Even a weed eater would probably make over 25 horsepower!

  13. Oh come on, over a dozen comments and nobody has said, “Mow Lawn Labe” yet!

  14. definite internet winner for the day

  15. You think you've got problems, I've typed FUCK JOE BIDEN so many times that the FUCK JOE BIDEN keys on my keyboard have worn out.

  16. What the hell are landscapers supposed to use to charge all the power tools? Seriously, if the batteries in these tools equals, 1 charged battery for every tank of gas, I would need 3 batteries for weedeatin in my yard. Now times that with lawnmower, blower, trimmer etc. Somebody's going to have to have a portable generator. You would be charging batteries constantly. It dont make sense to me

  17. So when the power goes out, forget about emergency generators. Just another really well thought out demoncrat idea.


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