
Thursday, May 11, 2023

American Maoism

Those of us who care about the survival of ordered liberty are daily faced with a conundrum: Do we painstakingly chronicle the constant assaults on the life of the mind and civilized norms and risk the charge of being one-note Johnnies? Or do we turn to other, more noble concerns and preoccupations, doing the right and the good? The latter path might seem more high-minded, rooted in a refusal to have our intellectual and political agendas determined by the rage of others. Why should our concerns be determined by the transparently false agendas of those who tear down and repudiate, and who offer nothing constructive in place of our civic and civilized inheritance? Let them pursue the thankless path of total critique, while we teach, build, construct, and sustain a civilized order worthy of human beings.


  1. Sounds like someone is channeling their inner William F Buckley, playing with his bowtie. And I have to ask what exactly did he accomplish in all the years he "took the high road". As "leader of the Conservatives", how many Conservatives did he kick out & discredit for "not taking the high road". I've since come to the conclusion that Buckley was controlled opposition and used to dissipate energy that people focused at opposing the Uniparty, preventing an effective opposition. (Reminds me of how the tea party was neutered).

    Now we have an article that wants us to repeat Buckley's failures. Note the false either/or choice: Either chronicle the assaults, or take the high road. Nowhere is the possibility of fighting back mentioned. Not interested.


  2. The woketards will not stop, will not leave you alone. They must be crushed and driven from society. Fuck the "high road" bullshit.

  3. Yeah. Good luck with that.

  4. "Those of us who care about the survival of ordered liberty"

    No one *cares* about "ordered liberty". Not even the grifters that empty your wallets for "it". The system (Rule Of Law; McDonald's french fries; women's emancipation) is designed to produce a result, from people too unintelligent to do the job, with only materials and time. If the desired result is not produced, consistently, the system is changed (subject to change, without notice; new software; chicks with dicks).

    "Gimme' yo wallet!" The ghost of George Washington said so. Don't argue with me, go argue with him! After you gimme' yo wallet, of course.


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