
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Richard Barris Breaks Down Latest Political Polling

Richard Barris from People’s Pundit appears with Steve Bannon to discuss the latest polling data and political data from around the polling world. 

Barris notes some key points in the MAGA movement, the scale of the “only Trump” vote now hovering around 20% in the base of the republican party.  The working-class coalition inside the GOP is exclusively a MAGA phenomenon.   The cocktail class republicans are aligned with DeSantis and Trump, but the biggest portion of the working-class inside the republican party is only with Donald Trump.


  1. DeSantis has done good things in Florida. I approve of DeSantis, generally.
    But put DeSantis and President Trump on a ballot and I'm voting for Donald Trump.
    We've had other Governors that seemed OK but they are not tested, not really, until they stepped outside of their comfortable niche. Then we found out they had weakness, or other problems such as being unable to take being attacked by the national media in a completely ugly way.
    If President Trump understands now that he isn't just running against the Democrats candidate but against the media, all government agencies, half of the GOP then he'll be the person we need him to be in 2024.

  2. Richard Barris. Didn't he host The Gong Show? I guess he's starting it up again.
    I might need more popcorn.

    1. You're thinking of Chuck Barris.
      Hell of a guitar player.

  3. From what I can tell, Trump will be the GOP candidate for president, no question. The only thing left unanswered is who will be his running mate. I predict that he will look for a different kind of VP this time, rather than a Mike Pence, to appease the people that are happy with the status quo. Someone who will shake the tree like Trump does.
    I have always liked Tulsi Gabbard, if she weren't so liberal on the 2nd amendment. She claims that she has changed, but it is just too important for me to trust someone without a long track record. Trey Gowdy would be fun, if for no other reason than he would jack the Democrats up like a cactus in their bed. But there is little chance that he would touch it.
    Perhaps he could find an honorable military man, who served with distinction, before the military became woke.
    One man that I would love to see run with Trump is Mark Robinson, the current Lt. Governor of North Carolina. He rose to prominence during an address to his local city counsel meeting, when he very articulately complained about them wanting to take his gun rights away, instead of doing something to stop the criminals. He is a black man, rather large, a barrel chest, that also looks like a wrestler, who served in the Army in the 80's. He is unapologetically religious, anti abortion, and while not outright anti LGBTQ, certainly not overwhelmingly supportive of them either. He is against the trans movement for youth, and books about such things in schools.
    He is running for governor right now, but I would love to see him as Trump's VP. He would shake things up in DC just like Trump did. Imagine a black VP, only a conservative male.
    I also predict that Biden won't run, no matter what he says, his party won't let him. And Trump will win, if the election is fair.

    1. Pigpen51's last sentence says it all. At this point I'm skeptical.

    2. General Flynn


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