
Thursday, May 04, 2023

Commentary: The Mexicanization of American Politics

We see it everywhere in American politics. One army general gave voice to the fear in a memorable simile, worrying that the country might collapse like “Mexico and the Central American countries” unless something was done to tamp down partisan passions and encourage unity. His comment went viral, and soon people across the country were talking about, and deploring, the possible “Mexicanization of American politics.”


  1. I watched a video of John Stossel inteeviewing Gloria Alvarez. I don't know much about her, but it was an interesting piece.

    You call it Mexicanization of American politics.
    She'd call it socialization of American politics.
    She decribes how it's spread in Central and So. America.
    She teaches marxism so people know the full ramifications of what it truly is.
    Stossel titled the video 'Socialism's Worst Nightmare'

    I originally found it on Whatfinger, but here's the yutube link

  2. Very soon a Mexican Lady will be elected President of the United States.
    Her VP will be a young chinese man.

  3. If the two “races” could organize to all vote candidate lines, it would happen in 2024.

  4. I didn't have my reading glasses on and thought it said "the Mexicanization of American POLICE." Unfortunately, it's probably that too.

  5. "Mexicanization"? When the people dis- (not merely "don't, but "dis") believe the stories of Rule of Law(TM)? Written by the foreign colonizers that say *their* Goddess told them to rule you. So they do. Until you kill them. Then they don't.

    That'd be... awful? Is that the word "American" patriots are groping for? Indeed! Let us all -- colonized, enslaved, foreign and rulers -- come together! In Unity(TM). Under their rule. And avoid any more "Mexicaniztion".

    1. Your comment would make much more sense and be less distracting if it weren't for all the (TM) you insist on putting in them.


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