
Thursday, May 04, 2023

Release on tranny's manifesto put on hold

The release of transgender mass killer Audrey Hale’s manifesto has been put on hold.

The Nashville Police Department had previously told Fox News Digital last week the manifesto was being revealed and would be released. People are interested to see what drove Hale to murder six innocent people, including three children, at the Covenant School in late March.

Now, it appears that the process has hit a roadblock.


  1. Probably be released right after all JFK's assination records and all the Epstein 'suiicide' investigation evidence is made public.

  2. Feds still need to proofread their work.

  3. How is this "manifesto" going to be any different than others written by the libtard woketurds? We shouldnt
    even know it's name.

    ts name
    even know it's name.

    know its name. concerned with its name.It should have been ignominy

  4. So much kept secret from the people in what is purportedly a representative nation. US people are too weak minded and incapable to be allowed to know realities.

  5. They cannot release the manifesto without showing just how crazy and deranged these mutherfuckers are. No more complicated than that. The current problem is that no matter how much they redact and massage the manifesto, it still comes off as being written by a raging lunatic. The narrative requires we believe that this tranny bullshit is somehow normal and common and the trannys are capable of rational thought. Sick fucks, wish they'd get real help, or at least euthanasia.

    1. even easier explanation than that....hollywood writers are on strike.

    2. I was thinking that maybe some alphabet agency helped with the delusions and paranoia and was documented in "it's" diary/manifesto.

    3. why is it I get the feeling if people got a chance to read it, they all be in favor of bringing back mental hospitals and rubber rooms ?
      my dad used to say some people need to be in a loony bin for their own good.
      and god knows there sure is a lot of them. dave in pa.

    4. right on Ed. What the hell is the "percentage of the population" are these fucking loons, and why the pressure from all sides to get normal, thinking people to "accept" them? Fuck that, they are nuts. Nuts. Crazy fuckers. And they have no more "rights" than anyone else. They want to be left alone, they say, to just live their lives. Ok then, shut the fuck up and stop with the drama and acting out. Go back into being closeted with your insanity, and don't ever expect us to "understand" it as anything other than mental illness - because that's what it is.
      Original Grandpa

    5. Sundance reports that he thinks it is the DOJs Community Relations Service that is involved in suppressing / redacting the murderers' manifesto, possibly for what the tranny thought / wrote that would reveal the level of organized hatred that the insane parts of the Left have for us, or possibly because the hundreds of pages were NOT all written by the murderer, but included detailed instructions for that type of an attack.
      They really do hate us and want us all dead.
      John in Indy

  6. It appears the writer's strike has affected the FBI as well.

  7. Nashville PD and the Feds probably can't agree on the rewrite. They sure as hell don't intend to release the truth.

  8. Nashville PD says they will release the manifesto, then a lawsuit come asking for the release of said manifesto, and the Nashville PD now says no release? Sounds like the kid who doesn't get his way taking his ball home and pouting.

  9. Over at TheSaltyCracker….
    there’s a speel about tranny maintenance….
    of that open wound….when they cut their penis off….
    and hollow it out to look like an open wound vagina….
    It sounds extremely gross.


  10. "We can't release the text 'cause we're being sued for not releasing the text." Sure, that makes a lot of sense.


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