
Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Fox News Poll: Voters favor gun limits over arming citizens to reduce gun violence

After a series of mass shootings this spring, including the killing of several students at a private Christian school in Tennessee, voters would prefer focusing on specific gun control measures rather than arming citizens to reduce gun violence.

A new Fox News Poll finds most voters favor the following proposals:


Sorry, but I'm not buying that shit. At the bottom of the article it says the poll 'includes interviews with 1,004 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a national voter file'.
I'm guessing that by nationwide, they actually mean voters in New York City, New Jersey and Massachusetts.


  1. Fox news is dead. It's buried in the same plot next to Anheuser Busch. May they both rest in peace.

    1. May they both rot in hell.

    2. As if there aren't already plenty of sources for daily propagenda, half-truths, and outright lies.
      Communism corrupts everything it touches. And it does it deliberately.

  2. I always considered FoxNews controlled opposition. Rupert Murdock telling them to back off on criticism of Obama only anchored home what I thought of them anyway, but the icing on the cake was watching in real time Donald Trump elected, and FoxNews refusing to announce it.

    As an entertainment channel, I'm sure they provide fear junkies with a daily fix. They wrap themselves in the flag and talk about god, and people do buy into it, but they really are just another propaganda channel.

    1. I've said for a long time they were just the furthest right of the left wing media.

    2. Fox is another corporate media company making money by getting the viewers who don't like what the other networks say.
      Think of the Uniparty.

    3. @ wvcitybilly

      Re: "I always considered FoxNews controlled opposition. Rupert Murdock telling them to back off on criticism of Obama only anchored home what I thought of them anyway..."

      That's correct, but there's even more: Around 2007-2008 or so is when I learned the answer to the question - why does Fox never say anything about the Sunni jihadist & terror groups, or the fact that the Saudi royal family was supporting them financially? The answer is that one of the biggest minority stockholders of the New Corps - the parent corporation of FNC - is, as it turns out, billionaire Saudi prince al-Waleed Bin-Talal, also noted as a virulent hater of the West and supporter of jihad.

      Sometimes, media bias isn't evident so much in what they report, but what they choose not to report. That time marked the beginning of my taking a more-jaded and cynical view of them, and of course a loss of trust in them. Indeed, apart from a select few hosts and shows, I stopped watching them at all.

  3. You can tell it was a poll only using Democrat input when the sample says Biden is doing a good job except for the economy (49%).

  4. You're doubting the wrong thing. Here are the questions you should be asking:
    1) If only two companies were involved, "Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R)", who polled the independents?
    2) What were the male to female ratios in the sample and what were their answers?
    3) What was the number of declines to respond, how was it distributed across populations, and does it compare to average?


    1. I ALWAYS decline to respond.
      - Ted W

  5. Looks like all the FBI-orchestrated shootings had the desired effect.

  6. As far as I am concerned is not up for discussion. I reject all proposals except punishment at the point of the offense.

  7. No rural people in that poll. ALL my neighbors here in NE Texas are well armed...

  8. Fox is dead to me. And I think Tucker Carlson is a whore. So I don’t trust him either. Far as it goes so is that blond who bailed a few years back.

  9. University Socialist brainwashing + The end of the Draft = The end of the Constitutional Republic.

  10. Proof that Fox is now towing (toeing?) the democrat line. Fox is dead to me. I only watched tucker and occasionally parts of The Five after Bret Blow Me Beher called the 2020 election for Biden before 10 pm eastern.

    Newsmax is now my go to.

  11. Let's see, in this republic , 3% of the people , queers, can demand that they have inalienable rights that can't be fucked with . But a majority of Americans ,who own guns , can have their rights stripped by a minority. Fuck them, Fuck pedo joe , and Fuck the communists in congress.

  12. Taking polls is called “nose counting” in the marketing business. People say what they think others want them to say and not necessarily what they really think.

  13. Polls like this are not intended to measure public opinion, but to shape public opinion. Fox was dead to me the moment they called Arizona for PedoJoe on election night, and I have not watched them since.

  14. Replies
    1. Don't give them anything but a fight.

  15. You don't get to poll away an amendment. This is total propaganda bullshit

    1. Correct, constitutionally protected rights are not subject to democracy.

  16. Sly like a Fox... definitely not facts.

  17. Those percentages remind me of the last time Sadam Hussein was “elected” in Iraq.
    Iraqi news reported he’d won with 99% of the vote (clearly affirming they know nothing about how voting really works!)
    Clearly a skewed outcome, here, as well.

  18. First of all, as a smart pollster I can com3 up with any outcome I desire. Polls are generally useless. Second, Fox has been the kind of right side of the lamestream media since forever, but still part of the unitary. Shoot your TV and read!!!

  19. 1,004 people is 0.00030424242424242% of 330,000,000 Americans. They don't even know how insignificant that number is or how it really shows the opposite of what they are trying to portray! They are giving us the tools to smack them back into oblivion!

    You can always share this solution

  20. Fox News as a news vehicle lost me when they call the Arizona election in 2020; I guess they had a direct line to the hucksters there. Then, giving the man boy Jesse Waters, who has less gravitas than my six month old male cat, was the death knell.

    I watched Tucker first because he was smart, sarcastic, and was able to see through a lot of the bullshit being promulgated on regular news shows. Over the last 1 or 2 years, he has gotten more serious and it looks like he has taken a more spiritual approach; I say looks like because I cannot know anyone's internal state. The Jan 6 tape reportage was the clue that the long knives were out and that he had a limited outstanding tenure.

    If Tucker ends up some where else, then I will follow him there to see if his apparent conversion is true or false; it will show soon enough. He seems sincere to me, but I have been fooled (at least for a while) before. If it goes to his head, then I am done with him as well as I don't tolerate ideologues well. As some have said, he is a whore; but, everyone I know has been more or less a whore to some extent. Present company excluded, of course (ha ha).

  21. how about actually enforcing existing laws??
    and, maybe taking crazy people off the streets??
    and keeping repeat criminals in jail for more than a day???
    and keeping illegals from coming back again and again??
    how about blaming the criminal/crazy person instead of blaming the gun??

  22. Polls slathered in progressive opinion do not reflect any reality. They told us that people wanted free health care, clean energy and now gun control. They didnt say that they only polled themselves and the mirror a few times.

  23. Fox, owned by Murdoch, a globalist. I tag this as propoganda. Globalism as defined by our "betters" will never completely happen as long as the peasantry can say no and the 2d Amendment is the no. Exactly why our Founding Fathers, educated in history, wrote the 2d Amendment.

  24. Number 1 I do not trust polls as they can be fixed to how the pollster wants to declare the result. Number 2 I gave up on Fox after they listed the 2020 election in AZ for Biden when there was less then 1% results in and called the National election for Biden, when there was great issues of several hours of no vote counting with Trump way up and then suddenly all starts and Biden is in the lead across the nation in the swing states but with no vote counting.


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