
Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Gov’s office: Tennessee session on guns likely after July 4

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s office said Friday that a special lawmaking session dedicated to possible changes to the state’s gun laws in the wake of a deadly school shooting last month would likely have to take place after July 4.

The Republican governor’s spokesperson, Jade Byers, said Lee’s office offered lawmakers a list of potential dates for the special session from May through August, and determined that it will likely take place after July 4 after initial feedback from legislative leaders.


  1. Trying to control the tools rather than the user is assuring failure. Are they contemplating confiscating the disturbed individuals' vehicles? Chef's knives? Hammers?

  2. Does anyone else see the irony of celebrating July 4, our independence that was won with guns, being followed by a discussion to control GUNS?

  3. Eat a bag of dicks Lee, we don't want your stinking gun control.
    Seriously, wtf us wrong with people.. they ask you to do something, you politely decline. They schedule a meeting for you, to discuss this thing you already said no to.
    Get a fucking hint, the legislature DECLINED to take up any bills this session. For a reason! Now take your meeting and shove it up your ass. Gawd, what a douche nozzle....

  4. There are no longer alternatives to giving up our weapons. I do not plan on placing my life solely in the hands of law enforcement, nor lawyers, or politicians. God has given me the free will to defend me and my family, regardless what our rulers decide.

  5. Perhaps it's time to recall the governor. If he is stuck on stupid, bring his politician ass to heel.


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