
Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday night gifs













  1. #5 ~ Extreme form of birth control.

    1. Hopefully it's effective.

    2. Self cleaning the gene pool!

  2. #2 Yeah, that's the kinda thing me and the boys would do when we were teenagers... even looks like the same cliff we would jump off of. Pretty sure Steve still has some scars from doing exactly this...

  3. #10 reminds me of the first time I drove a Honda Mini-Trail. I think I was about 7 years old or so.
    They had a manual shifter, you just had to reduce the throttle to shift. A fact that my Uncle and male older cousins forgot to inform me about.
    I tried to shift to the 2nd gear, and suddenly I looked just like the driver in #10. Except instead of driving straight into the house, I clipped the corner while trying to go around it.
    I didn't hurt the bike, and I didn't hurt myself, at least not long term. But I had what would have been a black eye, only right in the middle of my forehead.
    The exact details of how the Mini-Trail worked are maybe not perfect, but that was the only contact I ever had with one.
    In about 1985, I learned that a friend at work had one since he was a kid, and he is the super fussy type. I saw it then, and it looked like brand new. People tried to buy it from him, but he would not take any amount of money for it.
    Thinking about it, that is the only time I have ever been on a motorized 2 wheel bike of any kind. I don't scare easily, but I do scare.

  4. I did the reverse of #3 a few years ago, my wife and I were hiking in Utah and had driven to a high-elevation trail to get a good overview of the valley below. Utah is a place of extremes, especially elevation. Before we drove back down, I placed an empty, sealed water bottle on the dashboard and my wife watched in rapt attention as the bottle slowly crumpled in on itself. And I said, "That is a display of atmospheric pressure." She said, "Wow." Then she said, "You think too much."

  5. #3. The graphic is misleading. Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude.

    1. But the pressure in the chip bag does not.

    2. The bag blew out at the end. Chips, chips everywhere.

    3. greggBC: The pressure in the bag is decreasing to match the pressure outside until it can't puff up any more, then it stays steady while the pressure outside keeps dropping - until Boom!

  6. # 1. Nice jump, obviously cop has no idea about what a sense of humor is

    1. Obviously the kid on the bike has no idea what a broken nose feels like.

    2. Looks fake. The car is marked both 'Marshall' and 'Police', with a nondescript badge.

  7. What the hell? A compilation of the latest TikTok challenges?

    Charlie Darwin [*Hitches up britches, snaps suspenders and cracks knuckles*]: "I got this."

  8. With the exception of #3, as Jimmy Buffet sang, "...the Fool Button on parade."

  9. #3 Atmospheric science!
    #5 African space program.

  10. Space program, now that’s funny…

  11. #3 Boyles Law in action. Why AF aircrew members aren't supposed to eat beans before flight

    Steve L.

  12. #3 Worked for Frito Lay warehouse in Dallas for a few years. Contract carriers were told specific rout to follow (I-10 through El Paso) to ship product to and from west coast. Every now and again some trucked or contract carrier would try to shave time or miles by using other routes through the rocky mountains. I have dealt with whole truckloads of ruined product with drivers swearing that they went the approved route. Contract carriers have paid for truckloads of product sent to the pig farmers.

  13. Gonna run out of little statues for all the Darwin award winners.

  14. Honestly, I hope he caught that asshole and ran his ass over. But, I'm am old and cranky and can't remember when that would be fun...

  15. #1 looks fun, but the kid had to know that the smallest possible cost for it would be a trip to the police station, waiting for Dad to come pick him up, and whatever Dad's going to do when he gets the kid home. That's IF the cop has a sense of humor and a memory of being young - it could be a whole lot worse...

    I was never stupid enough to actually try something like that, and can't remember any of my friends ever being so stupid. I can think of someone, _not_ a friend, who might have - the Mayor's overprivileged a$%^&le bully son, who got his driver's license on his 16th birthday and was dead by Saturday morning.

  16. #1: Not running for his life, but to avoid a beating. If he knows the area he's got a shot.

    #2: Plenty of time for some nasty burns. This is just an idiotic thing to do.

    #5: Potential Darwin Award right there.

    #7&8: When you're Asian

    #10: "Film it. Let's see what this dumbass does this time!"


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