
Monday, July 10, 2023

Gearing up

California is spending millions to help bring more firefighting aircraft to the state this summer. It's an effort to get more retardant on fires in the first hours of the blaze.

There are some new men at work this summer fire season. They've come from a land down under to help battle California wildfires.


  1. Stay in the once proud, now liberal shithole of Australia folks and let the shithole of California burn from the Mexican border right up to Oregon.

  2. "There are some new men at work this summer fire season. They've come from a land down under to help battle California wildfires." At first read,
    I thought they meant illegal aliens...would be cheaper.

  3. There's plenty extra "retardant" in the legislature in Sac. No Worries.

  4. That better be a plug-in electric airplane!

    1. No problem. The suits will create an exemption for fire fighting equipment, including engines, dozers and rotary and fixed wing aircraft. They'll be able to burn all the 'fossil fuel' they need to under a permanent emergency clause.

      Because that's the way they roll under the California Golden Dome. Kind of like the way 'current and retired law enforcement officers' are exempt from most California gun laws, unlike us vassal servants that pay their wages.

  5. If you put enough rainbow flags on to the wildfires, we just might get rid of all the rainbow flags.

  6. The state of California is perfectly retarded as it is....


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