
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

New Politico Mag Poll Skews the Numbers to Come Up with Another Anti-Trump Narrative, Trump Pollster Says

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa — A poll published last week by German-owned Politico Magazine insists that “most Americans — including a large number of Republicans … “ agree that the former President Donald Trump’s trial on federal charges he mishandled classified documents should take place before the Republican Party primary.

And nearly half, according to the Ipsos poll of more than 1,000 “adults,” believe Trump is guilty.

Trump’s pollster, John McLaughlin, says not so fast.


  1. If Trump is guilty, so is Bribem. Nemo

  2. Poll the J6 POWs.
    Trump's POWs.

  3. Didn't realize politico was a german magazine. The land of Merkel who was an obama wanna be.

  4. Show of hands: How many of you will vote for him, if he's acquitted -- by a United States Party court? But not if he's convicted?

    Damn! That's some sparkly nail polish, dudes.

  5. if polls meant anything we'd be talking about the end of hillary clinton's second term right now.

  6. Wait a minute...someone here still believes in polls and magazine articles? Stop arguing about PROPAGANDA.


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