
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Why is Florida banning out-of-state driver’s licenses?

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday a list of out-of-state driver’s licenses that are no longer valid in Florida due to a new law considered to be its toughest immigration crackdown to date.


How come California isn't on this list? They've been issuing driver's licenses to illegals for years now.


  1. Oregon should be on the list, too.

  2. Almost ten years ago, in FL, I and my wife had to produce several pieces of documents to attest who we were and that we were citizens of the US. It was more difficult for my wife, since she had been previously been married to someone else, she had to produce all documents that would track her names since birth. All this to get a Gold Star on our DL that evidently means squat now. Our country is a joke and, evidently, not worth defending. All that IS worth defending is family and friends.

    1. LOL "Enhanced Driver's License" can get you over the border and back, "Real ID" doesn't, both let you fly and go into Fed buildings, but Real ID can be given to both citizens and "non-citizens"...

      Remember when you were told you needed Real ID to fly back in the early 00s? That's been pushed back to 2025, guess they still haven't got enough people to sign up for the full .gov biometrics suite...

  3. I sort of agree with the sentiment. However, if FL isn't going to arrest them and deport them what's the point. Unless, Desantis is going to confiscate their vehicle and ship the arrestee's back to their sanctuary state via bus. Maybe the plan is to take them directly to court and confiscate ALL their cash. Sounds like a money maker.

    Que the Demonrat Dee Ohh Jay's rat face Garland to file a federal lawsuit, if one hasn't been filed already, claiming discrimination under the Commerce Clause and the 4th and 14th Amendments or some other statute invented from whole cloth charge.


    1. It would be a lawsuit under the "Full Faith and Credit" clause of the US Constitution, which requires states to honor papers issued by another state. I hope they win - because there's no reason driver's licenses and marriage licenses should be good in all states but concealed carry licenses aren't.

    2. If I had my way, to get their attention, I would wish for the same conditions, restrictions and hoops on driver licenses as CWP. Let's see average Joe having to apply for 3 or 4 different driver's licenses!
      Not recognizing my permit (which I shouldn't need) in other states is a clear violation of the Constitution..

  4. Massachusetts started that lunacy this week. I would assume that we'll make the next list.
    As we should.

  5. Kenny, it’s because DeSantis is a member of the Paul Ryan wing of the party and he doesn’t want to piss off Gruesome Newsome in case that doosh tool gets installed in the ovum orrifice

    1. And this is why nobody will remember his name in a few years. If you are going to put a stick in somebody's eye, you put it all the way in, not "just the tip". Either way, clown world intensifies.

  6. > “Someone who is in our country illegally and has violated our laws should not possess a government-issued ID which allows them access to state-funded services and other privileges afforded to lawful residents,” DeSantis said

    Yeah...about that. The government is NOT supposed to be in the business of restricting your freedom of movement. No one should be cheering this.

    Your ability to move around the country freely is not a "privilege" that is granted to you by your "betters" in government on a whim. It's a fucking human right.

    If some illegal immigrant plows into your vehicle, the state should immediately be allowed to jail them pending a trial because they either don't have identification or they might flee back to their shithole outside of the jurisdiction of the courts...but they have no business saying who can drive, fly, skateboard, rollerblade, bicycle, or otherwise travel through public roadways.

    ...but don't let that stop Republicans from cheering for this piece of shit just because he has an 'R' next to his name and not a 'D'.

  7. "The government is NOT supposed to be in the business of restricting the freedom of movement OF CITIZENS. There, I fixed it for you.
    Letting illegals travel freely around the country is part of the problem and you'd realize that if you weren't blinded by your hatred of DeSantis.
    Also, by your statement that freedom to travel is a f-ing human right, we can assume you're advocating for open borders?

  8. Can someone please give governor dumbass a dose of cluebat, please. That stupid decision runs straight into the Interstate Commerce clause.

    1. Did you even bother to read the article, specifically the part that says, As of July 1, these out-of-state licenses are no longer valid in Florida if the driver is in the U.S. illegally?
      I'd wager the interstate commerce clause doesn't apply to lawbreakers.

    2. Exactly right. Many states issue drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Its a special license that can't be used for federal identification. My only question is about the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants here in Florida who drive, many can't speak a word of English and who even knows about insurance. My wife USA born had to order both a birth and marriage certificates to get a Florida license. Clean your own house first.

  9. I will bet the details of the bill are that Florida will accept drivers licenses that have a Gold Star to certify the owner is a citizen.

    And that illegal alien is a criminal with no right to travel when he is detected. His 'human rights' ended when he entered this country without permission.

  10. Just hoopla.
    Smoke and mirrors.

  11. International drivers licenses still available at AAA. I wonder is USA will now accept them.


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