
Tuesday, August 08, 2023

CCP-Linked EV Company Buys Land in Michigan for Factory

On Tuesday, an electric vehicle (EV) company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced that it had purchased 270 acres of land in the state of Michigan to build a factory for battery components. 

According to the Daily Caller, the planned factory near Big Rapids, Michigan will be located roughly 100 miles away from an American military facility, and within 60 miles of military armories. The factory will be built and operated by Gotion, an EV company that could receive hundreds of millions of dollars in both state and federal grants, as well as tax incentives, to complete the project.


  1. Big Rapids is the home of Ferris State University, and while the article mentions the plant being100 miles from a military facility, realize that Big Rapids is somewhat centralized in the lower Peninsula. So I think that by default it would be near a military facility. I am thinking they are referring to Camp Grayling, a national guard facility that most of Michigan's flight training is out of.
    I am more worried about our state being run by the Democrat party, and how they have rigged things so we likely will never be able to elect a Republican majority here again.
    The Democrats are simply better at cheating than the Republicans. Our state is screwed, and now we are a blue state, for a very long time. The Empress of Lansing has made a bunch of trips to Europe on our dime this year. Investment by the CCP is what she has to show for it. And likely a nice suntan.

  2. and receive how many "workers" directly from China: young (18-25), male, instructed in arms from China?

  3. Michigan government and unions will bleed them before they even open.

    1. Classsic case of a fight that I don't care which one wins.

  4. Why is ANY COMPANY, regardless of their political affiliation, receiving EVEN A SINGLE PENNY to build, assemble, etc. anything having to do with EVs? OR ANYTHING for that matter? Where in the Constitution, or any state Constitution, is the right of the government to STEAL from one group to hand out to another?? Seriously. And no, "promote the general welfare" is NOT a open invitation to this kind of abuse.

    1. you asked a reasonable question:
      "Where in the Constitution ... to STEAL from one group to hand out to another??"
      You may find the answer here:,domain%2C%20making%20it%20especially%20controversial.
      The Liberal/Democratic/Socialist-Progressive party has gone/is going to great lengths to destroy the U.S. Constitution bit by bit, just like the myth of "How to boil a frog."

  5. Why not pull a page from the Chinese Communist Party Playbook?
    Wait until the factory is completed, then the Government will appropriate it and send the entire staff to prison.
    Look over at Jinping, "Holy shit! This is really a nice way of building the economy at some foreign nation's expense."

    1. Very good idea except for one major flaw. Probably half the Democrats in Congress are heavy stock holders. Doubt one of them would support loosing their investments. Imagine that!

  6. Why shouldn't they buy and own some land in the USA? They already own the colleges, the media AND the they may as well put down some roots.

  7. More from Michigan

  8. Hyperbole is deep on both sides, much of the property is an old gravel pit, and anyone can drive up to Camp Grayling and 'spy' on who ever is training. Holiday Inn likely has a special rate. Hopefully EV mania will collapse with the first set of rolling blackouts and we'll have a big empty parking lot out by exit 142. Oh, I betya our local university has more communists right now than that factory will ever have ...
    A little east of Paris (MIchigan!)

  9. Those millages are within a 50 megaton bomb radius.
    I wonder if it will be one of the first things put in the 270 acres?


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