
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Commentary: Forget ‘Contempt of Court,’ What About ‘Contempt of Public’?

We have all heard about contempt of court and contempt of Congress. They are offenses for which one may be fined or jailed. But what about contempt of public? What’s the penalty for that?

I don’t know that you will find contempt of public in the statute books. If not I offer up the phrase free and for nothing to the bureaucrats who look after such things. I think it should be added to our vocabulary if not to our code of laws. It names a grievous assault on the community. By making a travesty of the rules and institutions that undergird our social life, contempt of public threatens to undermine that essential if often hard-to-define societal lubricant: trust.


  1. "Contempt of public" strikes me as an important addition to our legal language. Considering the growing number of incidents in which police make up their own laws, and prosecutors and judges do likewise, it's worth popularizing the notion.

    1. Filed under 'We the People'.

      So 'Contempt of We the People'.

      The actual 'supreme law of the land' per the Founders...regardless of what the 'Supreme Corrupt' thinks. joe tentpeg

  2. Effective "Contempt of public" laws don't now and never will exist. Ever hear of a law to protect sheep from the shepherd? The closest "Contempt of Public" law is the American constitution and we all see who that's working out.

  3. Hanging Offences used to be more of a thing.
    People said, "Hang the traitor!"
    "Hang the child molestor!"
    I miss that.

  4. 80+ indictments:
    Shows how little they care about us, too.

  5. Contempt of Congress...don't most people hold Congress in Contempt?

  6. Contempt of Public is a regular meme feature here. For example, yesterday, it was "This coffee would work better if I could throw it at people."


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