
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Yeah well, today's youngsters live in a fantasy world anyway

Artificial intelligence-powered social media influencers are created to look like perfect people living the perfect life, which could damage younger users' mental health, a technology strategist told Fox News.

Just like their human counterparts, AI influencers are online personalities that use their platforms to endorse brands and sell products. The catch is they're completely computer-generated. 


  1. Nah, this is already a problem with existing "influencers" making it look like they're living ultra-perfect lives. Suck in that belly! Photoshop those zits out!

    I honestly don't see a difference.

    At least this way we won't have people literally starving themselves to death because they're stuck (mentally and by social pressure) on a "only exotic fruit" diet.

  2. Promotes little asshole's suicides? What's the problem?

    1. You are. And anyone else who celebrates suicide, especially of children. Go outside and touch grass, then go to your priest for confession and absolution.

  3. gee, you mean dumb shit like eating tide pods and other dumb ass shit ?
    kind of funny in a way, used to think I was dumb as shit growing up sometimes, but I got nothing on these dumb ass kids of today ! dave in pa.

  4. I don't see this as a bad thing. Let the dipshits AI their life decisions. It's equivalent to the dipshit that got ran over by a train in Seattle while spray painting a building.

  5. Self annunciating failures are sooner rather than later transplanted in earth's compost pile.

  6. The only individual on social media that influences me is Tony, the guy that runs the "Tony's Cool Tools" channel. That guy actually has convinced me to spend money sometimes.

  7. I.too am amazed at some of the stupid shit I've done, and managed to survive, mostly unscathed. And I had caring, involved parents until my teen years.
    Today's kids are utterly f*cked, and I feel increasingly sorry for them. Even the system has abandoned accountability and consequences for these little shits, and Darwin usually teaches their first lesson in reality.


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