
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Gavin Newsom Apparently a No-Show at Tennessee Democratic Party Fundraiser in Nashville

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) was apparently a no-show at this past Saturday’s Tennessee Democratic Party fundraiser held in Nashville. 

On August 15, the Tennessee Democratic Party issued a press release announcing Newsom as a featured speaker for the August 26 event.


  1. Californias dickless wonder!

  2. That's too bad he didn't show. I was looking forward to reading about all the things conservative Tennesseans are doing wrong that make their state functional as opposed to the utopian shithole Governor Newsom is in charge of.

  3. Someone reminded him that Tennessee is where Wirecutter moved to , just saying!

  4. Ha! His electric car musta needed charging!

  5. I have the feeling that somehow, someway, this man will be our next president. God help us all!

  6. He found out that most Tennesseans are armed... and suddenly remembered he had a previous engagement elsewhere.

  7. Maybe he just plum forgot, or figured he had so little time to fuck more things up in California before the morons vote him in again...I could go on and on, but, why bother?

    1. He can't run again as California has term limits and he started his final term last year. That's why he's running for president even though he says he's not. And he'll win because "It's a rigged system".

      I wonder if America is ready to get Californicated.

  8. I wonder if he is using the same basement Joe used to win.

  9. According to an article in the Wash. Examiner, Newsom is now blaming judges for the homeless issues in CA. Further proof he's going to run because he's distancing himself from the problems he and Sacramento have caused. Biden's exit and the subsequent ushering in of Governor Dippity-Do as automatic nominee ought to be one helluva shitshow. Who Newsom will have selected for him as VP is anyone's guess right now but il'll have to be a woman, or someone pretending to be a woman and it'll have to be a minority so will it be Big Mike and would he settle for a VP slot?



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