
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Prosecution as Persecution

Last week, international news reported that Germany is considering a ban on the right-wing political party Alternative for Deutschland, which has made considerable electoral gains in recent years, and which has polled recently as the country’s second most popular political party. Such a ban would effectively lock the party out of democratic government. It might be hard to imagine such a thing happening in America, but in many ways, we’re already there. As left-wing internationalists tighten their grip on state power, protecting “Our Sacred Democracy” increasingly seems to require the most draconian efforts on the part of elites to limit the choices that citizens have in elections.


  1. It's a full court press. The progressives own the ball, court and hoops thanks to the asleep at the wheel American public who still believe the country will change from what it was 60, 50, 30, 20, 10 years ago. This monster didn't just materialize after Trump was elected. It was conceived after WW-II, grew to a rebellious teen in the 1960s and now the adult is going to burn down the house while his clueless, aged parents are tied to chairs.

  2. The "Alternative für Deutschland" party (AfD) has reached way over 20% in the polls. Why? Because they listen to the people and take their concerns seriously, unlike all the other political parties.
    No wonder all the other political parties from left to right see them as a threat to their continued existence. This explains the all-out campaign to prohibit the AfD.
    Parallels to the anti-Trump campaign are obvious.

  3. And then. For ABSOLUTELY no reason. They elected Hit... Oh, sorry.

    So, where's ghost of Pol Pot Past? When we need him?

  4. One would think that of all countries, Germany would be able to recall what happened the last time they outlawed opposing political parties. It didn't turn out well.

    1. They'll reply 'Ah, but that was different. We're outlawing the Right wing.'.

  5. Not quite sure what to make about the presidential election in Guatemala, but it seems like the people's choice is butting up against their own swamp, shades of our current situation.


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