
Thursday, August 31, 2023

House Democrats backing college loan forgiveness owe boatloads in student debt

Congressional Democrats calling for widespread student loan forgiveness owe major sums in educational debt, according to a Washington Examiner analysis of newly released financial disclosures.

A total of 14 Democratic members of Congress, who are an average of 45 years old and include the likes of "Squad" Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), reported on 2022 filings holding up to $1.7 million combined in their own or a family member's student debt. That these same politicians have also urged President Joe Biden to waive away college loans on the backs of taxpayers presents an apparent conflict of interest, ethics experts and a top Republican lawmaker say.


  1. You took it, you owe it.....


  2. One example of how effective the education was that those loans paid for is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    That doesn't excuse the dimwit from paying off the loan, but she'd probably have a solid case if she sued the college she attended for neglegence.

  3. They're Democrats, they don't have ethics.

  4. IIrc, O-C went to congress broke. Last year she had to file a form, all congress' has to, listing their net worth. She checked the box that says between $500,000 to $2,000,000.
    Pay your debt you goldbrick.


  5. 'Conflict of interest'?
    Their interest is to stay in power by buying votes.
    The conflict is that this is illegal, but democrats are above the law, so no problem.

  6. And if the Washington examiner had a single journalist on their staff who wasn't just like every other despicable journalist alive, and actually had integrity and journalistic ethics...they'd have checked exactly how many members of Congress under 50 have college loan debt. I'd bet it's more than 50%. Difference is they get to use insider trading to help pay off the interest and the principal. When you've paid 150k+ on a 60k loan, there's a problem. And it's a government loan, to boot.

  7. Sure sure, sure....nothing will be done....not even a slap on the wrist or a scolding by the media....


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