
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Trump Campaign Raises Over $20M in 3 Weeks

Donald Trump raised over $7.1 million since the release of his mugshot on Thursday, with over $20 million raised in the past three weeks. The latest haul comes amidst sales of mugshot merchandise, including the already infamous photo of the 45th President and the words ‘NEVER SURRENDER,’ including shirts, posters, bumper stickers, mugs, and even drinks coolers.


  1. Warp Speed Trump.
    Mail-in ballots.
    It's the Uniparty 2024 guaranteed.

  2. I didn’t like DJT. But somewhere around when the most powerful people in the world used their own personal 747s to meet with the GOP establishment in order to “Stop Trump” I had to like him for at least that.

    Still today, more than that he draws me, is that the Swamp pushes me to support him. They apparently fear him like none other. Maybe because DJT might be able to unite Americans past the government sponsored divisions (including R vs D)?
    DJT2024 – For his third win.

  3. DeSantis had a crisis to deal with at home, so he peeled right off the campaign trail and is taking care of things. It's strong leadership (unique among governors, actually) a good look for him.

    While this is happening, Trump posts shots at him on social media, bringing up polling numbers and electricity rates in Florida. He really comes off as a sad little bitch. Not a peep about the hurricane that's destroying people's lives, either.

    This $20+ million, like hundreds of other millions of Trump campaign donated dollars, may never see the light of day.

  4. And his campaign is dumping on Bribden for trying to make cash of Trumps booking.

    I don't like Trump and kind of resent the Left for making me defend him while he was president.
    I didn't vote for him in the primaries, but did in the election. I won't vote for him in the primaries, but will if he's the chosen one.

    Him dumping on DeSantis makes him look like a cheap, butthurt popular kid in HS talking about a jock that beat him a game of one-on-one.

  5. PDJT was the best president in our lifetimes, including John Kennedy.

    Because the Swamp hates him, I know he is on track.

    If the Rs ran Jesus Christ, Ghandi or MLK in the primaries, I would still vote for PDJT.

    Not that voting will matter.

  6. Biden didn't get 81 million real votes from his basement. "Remember the first rule of politics. The ballots don't make the results, the counters make the results. The counters. Keep counting." Boss Tweed Gangs of New York


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