
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Pritzker signs law holding gun manufacturers liable for marketing practices

CHICAGO - The day after the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the state's ban on semi-automatic weapons, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed another anti-gun bill into law. It's called the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act and paves the way for gun manufacturers to be prosecuted for certain marketing practices.


Keep in mind this is from a Chicago news station, so yeah, it is heavily slanted towards that "He did the Right Thing!" way of thinking.


  1. Too bad all the manufacturers cease selling and servicing to all state and state subdivision agencies. As well as all officials' security guards.

  2. Can we now sue the state of Illinothing for making it illegal for people to protect themselves against democrat supported criminals?

  3. Let's see them enforce it.

    1. You know Bloomberg's spring-loaded to finance lawsuits for everyone that's got their feelings hurt by a firearm.
      He can buy lawyers longer that firearms manufacturers can, so they'll crumple.
      Remember all the crap Smith & Wesson caught for installing the Hillary Hole in their revolvers?


  4. Democrat progressives are Neurotic, Obsessed Sociopaths out to destroy the Deamons they can't control by using the corrupt legal system as a club.

  5. Not my monkey, not my circus. The folks in I'll. can solve their own mess


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