
Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Taxman Cometh

Let's say it's the end of the world. It doesn't matter how.

Maybe the Russia-Ukraine War finally went nuclear and the Earth has turned into a radioactive wasteland. Maybe climate change has caused a series of weather disasters that has ended society as we know it. Maybe both happened – the Doomsday Clock certainly indicated both are possible. Or maybe it's the Christian rapture or the arrival of the Jewish Messiah.

But what matters is that if you thought the apocalypse would exempt you from paying taxes, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has some bad news for you. Because not even the literal end of the world will stop them from taking your taxes.


There's a nuclear strike, but you manage to survive it. Law and Order and civility are a thing of the past. Suddenly finding and keeping food is your #1 priority. You break into your meager stash of gold and silver to try to find something, anything to feed your family, and then there's the IRS at your door demanding your food money to pay taxes.
How well do you think that's going to go for Mr Government Agent?


  1. "How well do you think that's going to go for Mr Government Agent?How well do you think that's going to go for Mr Government Agent?"

    About as well as the "Revenuers" efforts trying to collect money from the moonshiners of Kentucky!

    1. How well do you think that's going to go for Mr Government Agent? Swimmingly well, if you're from the government, it's Ukraine in the early 1930s, and most importantly, the people are unarmed. Think Holodomor. Now, if it's the well armed citizens of the United States that are home when the collectivisation policy goons come a knocking the outcome could be a little different.

  2. Probably about as well as that first whiskey tax collection went in Ky and Tn. While the PA farmers took an army to the field and got defeated, Ky and Tn farmers just made sure none of the tax collectors made it back to Virginia. After a few never returned, they quit trying to collect the tax because they couldn't find men brave or stupid enough to try.

    1. I heard a few stories back when I was a kid in eastern KY. that where my dad was from. dad never told me any stories, but my uncles sure did. dad bought a 1928 dodge
      in 1931-2 for 700 bucks. now where did a young man get that kind of money back then ?. even got to meet a really good "still master" back in the late 1960's
      he sure had some damn smooth whisky. anyway, dave in pa.

  3. Government agent………

    Thanks for the laugh cutter!!!
    We all know they are hired for their obedience rather than cognitive abilities

    TMF Bert

  4. Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

  5. I'm calling Bullshit on this story. After all The Omega Man didn't have to pay his.

  6. Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors... and miss. RAH

  7. Don't worry. Democrats and IRS won't trigger an apocalypse until AFTER you all hand in your guns.

  8. All of that "Continuity of Government" nonsense is just Make-Work for various Bureaucracies. Particularly after Nukewar, Nobody is going to 'obey' ANY government officials .

    1. They be known as self delivery weapons system

    2. The only government that will matter is the local agricultural extension office. All the others, except maybe, maybe the military, will be useless.

  9. I’d be curious if they really taste like chicken. Hell , fire up the smoker and we’ll find out

  10. I get a kick out of people that think gold will have value in a total economic collapse. If Law and Order and civility truly are a thing of the past, there will be three freely traded currencies: Food, Firearms (and ammo), and Females. Your best bet is to stock up on the first two and negotiate for the third as necessary.

    1. Gold has been the number one currency of civilized peoples for eons and will continue to be so. There's a reason for that, it sets a standard that all other currencies are compared to.
      Nobody will be trading guns when their lives very well may depend on them.
      Nobody will be trading food when their lives very well may depend on it.
      The main currencies will continue to be gold and silver with the newcomer to the group being ammo.

    2. hey anonymous moron... you defeated your own argument.... total economic collapse=no civility.... yet YOU say it will be the #1 currency for CIVILIZED PEOPLES..... you will be found starved to death with nothing in your pockets but metal that no-one has any use for....

    3. That's it, when you have zero basis for your argument, just start it out with name calling. It works for liberals, so why not you too?
      I did notice however you didn't refute my other points. That's nice.

    4. i always have said lead is the most precious metal. using it means i can take any color metal or gem that you have. unfortunately, we shall soon see.

    5. Gold is a hedge against inflation. In other words, a form of insurance policy just like on your house or car. It is not an eatable, shootable, or fuckable SHFT supply.

    6. And what will stop any government from seizing private gold? FDR did it.

      Gold and other precious metals only have the value, in a SHTF moment, of what the 'seller' places it at. "Oh, you want medicine, give me an hour with your daughter... Gold? Can't f... it, so no."

  11. I think they'll have a hard time proving you have any income or disproving any of your deductions. So it seems like a waste of their time and yours. Assuming they survive the home audit.

  12. I like my Fedbois medium rare, crispy on the outside.

  13. How well do you think that's going to go for Mr Government Agent?
    No more problems

  14. I would think the rule of the three S's would apply. Shoot Shovel and Shut UP!

  15. buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

  16. qualification to work for the govt is an IQ lower than a rock embedded in the sand

  17. I recommend looking up " Selco " , on youtube . he survived the Bosnian Conflict . Selco , informs what is needed / not needed , in a shtf situation . He did mention , wimmenz traded sex for food ,especially canned food . Human nature , never changes , always stays the same .

    1. I read all of Selco's stuff, before he put it behind a pay wall at the behest of some monry grubbers. The original stuff sounded like someone trying to work out the demons he encountered during the year or so his town was isolated and under siege. I participated in some of the discussions. His words rang true to me.

      Later I sold my home to a couple that had escaped the madness of the Yugo disaster. We became relatively good friends and talked about that nonsense on a few occasions. Their words only convinced me that Selco and his experiences were real. I understand why those folks hate the Serbs.

  18. You got to be able to get rid of the body. It is a good thing I live near the Okefenokee swamp. A gator can digest everything except gold fillings.


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