
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Here we go again

President Joe Biden called the mass-shooting in Maine 'another senseless and tragic mass shooting' and urged residents to 'heed the warnings and guidance of local officials' as the suspect remains at large. 

He also said the federal government wasn't doing enough to deter such events and called on Republicans in Congress to work with him on legislation to ban assault rifles and expand background checks.


Go fuck yourself, Joe. We need less federal government in our lives, not more.


  1. If anything these events convince me I need a gun even more!
    If the countey was safe and 1950s mayberry, you'd have a point. They don't get that their argument is inverted....

  2. The dude was known to have psychological issues. If central wants to do something about mass shootings, leave guns alone and return to funding mental institutions to put these people in as we did prior to BCJ* (*Before Chicago Jesus)

    1. Nope, it was Reagan that got rid of mental hospitals. One of several things he did wrong, although he also did several right.

    2. Nope again.
      JFK got it rolling and LBJ slammed it through.
      Community Mental Health Act of 1963.

    3. Phillip: Reagan did not ban the California State Laughing Academies willingly. When he became governor, CA was being sued by the ACLU, among others under the premise of locking lunatics up was in violation of the 8th Amendment to the BOR and other allegations about lack of due process. The Golden State became ground zero for the homeless explosion of druggies and nut jobs which has morphed into Amerika turning into a nationwide casting call for episodes of THE WALKING DEAD. I worked in SoCal as a Peace Officer from 1972-2002. I saw it crumble with my own eyes. My wife and I got out before we had to shoot our way out. Bleib ubrig. - DTW

    4. Actually although was pressure from politicians and the public (see movie: One flew over the cookcoo's nest) it was a 1975 Supreme Court ruling that started the Homeless problem:

      O'Connor v. Donaldson, 422 U.S. 563 (1975), was a landmark decision of the US Supreme Court in mental health law ruling that a state cannot constitutionally confine a non-dangerous individual who is capable of surviving safely in freedom by themselves or with the help of willing and responsible family members or friends.

  3. like clockwork. they will not stop until we are all disarmed. so, from the bottom of my heart
    joe. go fuck yourself. of they treat us this bad when we do have arms, image how bad it will
    /would be if we didn't have any ? and with all of the illegals coming here too ?
    yeah. dave in pa.

  4. Speaking of banning inert objects. If that pilot nut had succeeded in cutting the engines on the Alaska airline’s plane and intentionally killed 89 people would the Commie Biden want to ban planes? It's people causing the problem you fucking idiot, Joe. He and his progressive, control freak turd pals want civilian possession of firearms gone because it threatens their power.

    1. We need common sense pilot control

    2. Notice nobody ever looks at causes of death like (AIDS) and says, "let's ban sodomy". A LOT more people shuffled off the mortal coil due to buggering each other than have been shot to death in the same time span. Hmmm.. ban firearms, but not degenerate practices/beliefs/orientations that slabbed vast numbers of people. There is no logic in their argument. If they were truly about saving lives....

  5. Slo joe has no idea what he's saying, where he's at, why he's there and probably half the time who the fuck he is..... He repeats whatever he hears in the earbud....... And occasionally he goes off the script and just rambles bullshit...
    Fuck slo joe, kamel toe and every other gun grabbing pieces of shit

  6. The fact that nobody pulled out a pistol and shot that guy in Maine proves that we have become a nation of sheep that are easily led to slaughter.

    1. Both places were gun free zone by state law as they serve alcohol.

    2. Or the law biding citizens were complying with a "gun free zone"....

    3. That type of thing is why I carry. Every day.

    4. Alcohol served on the premise= gun free zone. This was 20 miles from where I live. Dudes still at large, school was cancelled state wide, businesses shut down.

    5. That nobody returned fire is the real crime.

    6. I've started ignoring those signs: concealed is concealed.

  7. This bastard was hospitalized because he was hearing voices and then [insert miracle here] he was released. Ta da!

    Yeah, the VA is just slobbering to take away vets’ gun rights at the slightest provocation but Yankee Doodle Murderer is released without anyone noticing he’s a firearms instructor? Hello? Red flag, anyone? Where is this wonderful “out of an abundance of caution” Miracle Network when we really need it?

    Fuck that guy and fuck the Imperial Federal Government. I’m just waiting for Biden to tell us Beau was killed by a crazed Army vet.

  8. He's arming people all around the globe but wants us dis-armed... wonder why

  9. Remember the Democrat motto: "Never let a crisis go to waste"
    - WDS

  10. Lewiston has a large Somali population. Maybe he was just thinning the herd. Or another false flag, fuck Joe Biden

  11. A dis-armed America would look like the Oct. Hamas invasion of Israel when the illegals attack. It is just a matter of when, not if. Say “no” to FJB and FKH. Buy more ammo.

  12. Right after the Ninth District judge ruled California's AWB was unconstitutional and the White House Office to Reduce Gun Violence opened for business.
    Nahhh. Co-inky-dink.

  13. I'm 100% sure that the mass shootings would stop if the FBI, CIA, DNI, DOJ and few other TLA's were disbanded. This was another wind up toy set loose on the public in the vain hope of removing more liberties. Dollars to donuts the perp was known to the FBI, just like all the others.


  14. I think all three locations did not allow concealed carry on premises. Gun free zones, in other words. But: I took one look at the 'Perp' photos, holding the AR, and then Robert Card's 'Person of Interest' photos, and immediately thought they are not the same person. Seriously, doesn't look like the same dude. We'll find out, I guess.

    1. Yea we will...just like the Vegas shooting.

  15. Is any mass shooting not tragic and heartbreaking a lot of words will be said and nothing will change

  16. Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, I know.......Maybe if we just enacted some "common sense" gun laws we wouldn't have this tragedy ever again.

  17. no gun bans

  18. If guns were outlawed under Clinton, Obama, or Biden the government would kill millions of political enemies.


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