
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Lame Conservatism

Why is conservatism so lame? Conservatism has long been associated with prudes in bow ties who rail against rock and rap music while pledging to die to preserve single-family zoning and tax exemptions for golf courses. And to a certain extent the stereotype proves true. Conservatives have tended to present themselves as bourgeois moralists. 

However, what’s required today is more than a mere defense of the status quo. With the decline of American power on the global stage and reduced standards of living at home, Americans are in need of a guiding light toward a brighter future, a positive vision of greatness.


  1. Conservatives DO NOT wear bow ties!

    1. Few who wear bow ties are conservatives. More like hunting gear or work boots.

      The spandex & bow tied professors are definitely libs.


  2. What some see as lame others do not such is life

  3. Idiot writer. This is what happens when you're paid by the word.
    Also, don't ask others to do what you won't do.

  4. Can anyone point out one damn thing “conservatives” have actually conserved? They couldn’t even conserve the women’s restroom for women.

  5. Sorry I couldn't finish the article because he is full of shit. To me conservatism is actions/deeds doing whats right when no one is watching. Having a moral center to better the lives around oneself. Just my opinion.

    1. You mean like going back in the store to return the money when they give you too much change?...

    2. Well, I've gone back into the store to pay for an item I overlooked in my shopping cart when checking out.

    3. Shit. Like I said nonncom it is my opinion what you do is up to you. You're a good man WC.

  6. Hell, I had to pull out my wallet for ID buying booze @ a Walmart in New Mexico. I put it back in my pocket, walked out of the store, pushing the shopping cart. That's when I realized I never paid for it. About face, found the gal that checked my ID, and explained what happened. Paid for it, no harm, no foul. Early days of self checkout....$100 worth, but I'll be square when I leave this life.
    Catching up from elk camp.
    Thanks, Ken


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