
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Ruling Destroying California Gun Ban Should Now Apply to Washington State

Thursday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge Roger T. Benitez which struck down California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” should have a direct impact on a similar ban in Washington, because both states are in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court, the Second Amendment Foundation says.


  1. It would, except it was a District Court ruling, not a circuit court. And we know AG Bonta is going to appeal it to the Ninth Circus, and request and injunction to keep the law in place pending the appeals court ruling.
    This is just the top of the first inning.

  2. This Aussie doesn't get Americans and their guns

    1. We just don't care for authoritative governments that trample the rights of its citizens, unlike Australia, at least we COULD do something about it. Love Australia, but don't care for the oppression you all live with in your nanny state. Would drive me crazy living there.

      - Hosedragger

    2. Jo-Anne,
      You do realize that guns are the reason that America was able to shake loose of rule by the British Crown, and that the only reason the Japanese never invaded mainland America in WWII was because they knew that "behind every blade of grass there was a gun", don't you?

      You seem like a nice person who is woefully ignorant of American history.

    3. It’s not really about guns, it’s about being able to resist.

    4. go walkabout around the gibbers and I believe you may meet some Aussies who think the same way as the Yanks

    5. Jo Anne we say the same thing about Australians, why would any logical thinking person hand over their property, our
      government does NOT have the right or authority to take away our firearms.. AND unlike the Australians we are NOT going to comply if they try.....

    6. Check your WWII history. You Aussies would probably be speaking German or Japanese by now without us Yanks rolling them back away from your Northern shores!

    7. If not for American's 'obsession' with guns, England would have been pretty much defenseless after Dunkirk as the English Army left so much behind. So evil American gun nuts sent multiple ship loads of privately owned guns and ammunition to England so as to allow said English to arm themselves for the expected invasion by Germany.

      Plus, well, who gives a flying copulation as to how anyone else in the world cares about our feelings.

      Remember, it's America and private Americans who donate and save the world, including Australia, when a disaster hits. Who in Australia donated money after Hurricane Katrina or other natural disasters that hit America?

      Maybe you Aussies ought to look to defending yourself against crime and your government.

    8. When settlers were heading west, instead of sending troops to protect the wagon trains(expensive) the US government sold surplus rifles and ammo at a reduced price to the settlers so they could defend themselves. Just one of a number of examples where the US government encouraged self-defense early on. After multiple generations of that, would you really expect something different just because the government suddenly too a drastic u-turn not that long ago?

    9. Those who are ignorant of history (especially the part about various governments in the world having murdered more people than ANY other entity) are doomed to repeat it.
      Are you listening, Jo-Anne?


  3. This ruling doesn't apply outside of Kali. And it's a virtual certainty that the 9th Circus Court will issue a stay blocking the ruling. This will almost certainly end up before the SCOTUS. We better pray none of the more conservative judges get replaced by the left in the interim. It could be years before this makes it to the High Court.

  4. Trying to think of something pithy to comment ...

    There's a ban on so called "assault weapons" in Washington State? Who knew?

    I guess we didn't get the memo as I haven't noticed any impact on our actions and practices. To be blunt about it we didn't pay any more attention to this than we did the mask and notavax mandates. As free men we do what we want and fuck all their bullshit.

    I might add fuck Ferguson and fuck Inslee and FUCK Joe Biden. In my opinion they are all pieces of shit.


    1. Inslee and Ferguson are both absolute garbage.

    2. You're in WA now? I thought you were in NC.

    3. Different wes, hence the wtdb which stands for write the damn book. A message to both wirecutter and myself.



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