
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

When your helper won't hold the flashlight



  1. I get the feeling the dog knows his time is running out and wants to spend as much time with
    him as he can. I also get the feeling the dog is a bit sad about it too.
    we really don't take care of them the way we should for all that they give us. dave in pa.

  2. I had a Border Collie that would come under whatever I was working on at the time and push her nose into my face until she got some attention. Which she always did. We named her Toad after her habit of picking up toads in her mouth and then dropping them after the toad peed and then we would watch her drool for a few minutes. She finally in old age gave up picking up toads.

  3. Ol white faced dog. I dare say they been buds for many a year.

  4. what more could you hope for than a bud who wants to be with you no matter what dirty ,greasy job you are engaguaged in. We don't deserve them...

  5. I agree with Dave in PA, and likely all who visit here - we as a species do not deserve the loyalty and love of our dogs. Part of the very little faith I have left in humanity, is because dogs haven't turned their backs on us

    1. Speaking for myself, yes, we do deserve them. So long as we have and hold them 'til death do us part.
      I've been partnered with at least ten dogs that have all been given up on by other people. I've never given up on any of them. Every one of them is close to my heart and is either buried here at my house or down at the ranch. And I expect to have a great day just after I meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. I'm figuring on seeing all of them then. We all 'deserve' that day, and it will be a great one.

  6. Yup. Our Goldie is 8 now and getting grey around the face, and she gets more attention than ever. Can't call her spoiled, she's too well behaved, but she is one pampered pup. Greg

  7. Golden Retrievers: When you absolutely, positively need a walking, furry bowl of custard, sweetness, and affection. Wonderful pups.


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