
Thursday, November 02, 2023

Could harm reduction kits do more damage than good with SF drug treatments?

There are a number of organizations in San Francisco doing important work to keep drug users from dying on the streets. Many are distributing self-help kits that contain life-saving Narcan and clean needles to reduce the transmission of diseases. But there are often other items inside those harm reduction kits, critics argue, that enable bad behavior.


  1. if somebody willingly takes drugs that he knows can and will kill him, why does anyone feel the need to 'save' him?
    Are votes for the left THAT important?

  2. Straws?
    Straws are killing the planet.
    Those damn kalifornians just don't know how to save the planet.

  3. To be honest, they are messing with natural selection and that never goes well in the end. Let these addicts off themselves. They know the dangers and for goodness sake there are plenty of programs and services available to them if they want to quit. In my area we would have an OD death maybe 10 times a year. Now, with narcan we have ods all the time. They roll the emts and a cop to each incident and I hear this all day long on the scanner. Ridiculous. These addicts do not want to be well. They want to be high. They are dysfunctional and incapable of being a valuable member of society. If they have loved ones who feel different let them take the responsibility of getting them help instead of their loved addicts oding over and over. Sometimes it takes tough love to get someone to walk the straight and narrow. These programs that hand out all this shit are making things worse.

  4. Narcan should be priced the same as insulin.

  5. The fact that they don't offer any information on rehab tells you everything you need to know about them. They're in it for the money. Getting people off of drugs and out of the streets cuts into their profits.

  6. It really depends on the harm-reduction. Fentanyl testing strips are usually cheap enough to distribute for free since they are around $3-5 per 100 pack. They are a worthwhile item to use before someone enjoys their vice. Narcan and clean needles cost more than strips of test paper.

    It's a little concerning that they didn't have rehab brochures readily available but that might be an oversight error, either way, it looks bad. I would rather see the drugs legalized, regulated, and taxed so the taxes can fund rehab programs. Reopen the asylums and bring back involuntary rehab, some people need a little extra pulling to get out of a ditch. Drug use ceases being an issue of liberty when it becomes a policing issue because people are flopped on the streets and building health / fire hazards.

    - Arc

  7. Many addicts actively chase after 'brands' or batches of drugs that have bodies connected to them. Because the hard-core addict wants to chase that edge of life, that transitionary area when one has OD'd but not quite dead yet.

    It's scary watching ODers freak out and attack EMTs or ER personnel when they are forcibly yanked out of the OD by Narcan. And it's not just one shot of Narcan, it's multiple doses until the drugs are finally negated or eliminated. Having the ODer pee is just as important as taking Narcan.

    I'll spot the ODer his/her/its first round of Narcan for free. Then tattoo the mother fuckers and if they OD again, fuck them. Can't learn? Screw 'em.

  8. Thought you'd enjoy this as content.


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