
Thursday, November 30, 2023

I'd be pissed as hell too

Sometimes the tea isn’t yours to spill. A man from Maine is suing his daughter’s mother for telling his family that he was a billion-dollar jackpot winner.


If I was to come into a large amount of money, there's no way in hell I would want my birth family to know. I'd go from that Right wing guy they all despise to their favorite uncle/cousin/whatever in no time flat.
Funny, but I'd have no problem with my family by marriage knowing. They're all earn-your-own-way people who would congratulate me on my good fortune and leave it at that.


  1. Can't blame him one whit. He now has a target on his back, as well as anyone close to him. Your average slimebucket will go to great lengths to relieve him of that billion, conversely a billion buys a lot of protection.

  2. Two can keep a secret, if one is dead. If he really wanted it kept secret, he should have moved away, and dropped all existing contacts. There is no other way...

  3. Yep, no one gets to choose their immediate blood line family. I'm lucky that my only sibling is also my best friend. A lot of outdoor pursuit adventures since boyhood, over 50 years. I hope I'm gone 1st - not sure what I would do if he disappeared from my life.

  4. Good luck reaching me on my private island, surrounded by gun boats and body guards.

    1. And sharks with lasers on their heads?

  5. Maybe the guy should start thinking; The love of money is the root of all evil, so the trick is to stop thinking of it as ‘your’ money.” says the IRS auditor

  6. Reading the article, the big mouth signed an NDA which makes me think she got some sugar from that jackpot.

    Hope he crucifies her. Have no mercy for anyone who violates a contract.

  7. Especially here in TN where without a Will, estate goes to family. Step 1 would be to get that sucker written or updated.
    Steve S6

  8. I wouldn't have to worry about it, as those closest to me and my friends would be very happy indeed, which is probably why I'll never win many yachts does one need to ski behind, anyway.....

  9. "Man sues daughter’s mother for telling..." Wait a minute - isn't your daughter's mother normally called your wife, or your ex-wife? Something tells me there's probably more to the story, and it probably involves spite in one way or another. I'll tune in for the penalty phase.

    1. Doesn't matter if she's an ex wife or he knocked her up, she signed an NDA agreeing not to disclose that information.

  10. I wouldnt tell my birth family shit. Hell i go out of my way to make them think my income is less than it is. My sister always whining about her and her family being short on funds but always enough to do 2 holidays a year.


  11. Givers have to set limits because takers don't have any.



  12. 400, million, Federal Reserve, dollars. Controlled by some body this dumb. For the rest of our sakes, he can't be gang raped to death soon enough.

  13. If the money is held in a trust, He cannot be personally sued and collected on. It's possible that he could get scammed though.

  14. My wife doesn't understand why I always say that I don't want to win that much money. I want to win a few million, but that's it. Buy a cool house - or build one - and help out some select family members.

    Hundreds of millions though... WTF? I don't need that headache.


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