
Monday, November 06, 2023

Man arrested for ‘concerning’ posts made on social media following Maine mass shooting

An Oklahoma City man is now in custody after he allegedly posted ‘concerning’ comments on a Maine school district’s social media page following the mass shooting in Lewiston last week.


  1. While in poor taste and all that, at what point is it "Free Speech" and where is the line that crosses into "Threat".

    IF they can go after him for in appropriate comments, then half the folks who comment here and fully 2/3 of the folks in your bloglist could be arrested for saying things that are disturbing to someone.

  2. There's got to be more to that story. Locals and feds flipping out over hypothesizing there was an accomplice seems a bit of an over reaction.

  3. Wait, a 32 year old man was a student at a high school?

    This incident is really fishy, for multiple reasons. Why aren't the posts quoted?

    John g

    1. Where did you read he was a student?

    2. Eighth paragraph: Court documents filed in Oklahoma County show authorities believed the threat was credible because the man was a student at the high school.

  4. Sounds a lot like 'Thought Police', but we all know that cannot happen in this country...LOL.

  5. "the man was a student at the high school."
    32yr old?


  6. Apparently, there must be some sort of statute in the State of Maine against causing "concern" that requires arrest by the FBI. And of course, this guy wasn't just arrested, the FBI has most definitely gone through his house, his phone, his computers, his bank accounts along with anyone he lived with, associated with, or picked up hitch-hiking 10 years ago. His employer, and previous employers etc. This poor sap's problems have only begun, the corrupt FBI is going to be up his ass forever, he'll never have another moments peace. All because some dipshits at a school district were "concerned".

    We're doomed.

  7. I'm not a smart person. Just smart enough however to stay away from FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and other forums controlled by the Progressive control freaks who use the liberal controlled justice system to destroy those they don't agree with.


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