
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Raw sewage in the tub.....

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Pushback against the Mosaic Apartments in South Nashville is coming, and there is power in numbers. 

A Metro councilman is helping tenants file complaints against the California landlord, claiming residents are living in deplorable conditions.


  1. I'm guessing the residents are likely mostly Black, with public welfare paying the rent.

    1. It’s “black,” with a lower-case “b.”

    2. It's "negro" and always has been, unless you're easily led.

    3. You're a good man.

  2. The majority of those photos appear to be because the tenants are complete slobs who don't clean up after themselves. Sewage in the tub? Yeah, that's probably on the landlord....unless the tenants are flushing bags of drugs when the cops show up.

    1. Or pouring old cooking oil down the toilet or the kitchen sink, which will make a huge grease plug in the apartment's drain, especially if there's hair and other stuff for the oil to gunk up on. Then the sewage backs up into the tub, tub being the lowest point in the plumbing system.

  3. In most cases, in projects like these, the issues are self inflicted by the tenants themselves. See Cabrini Green.

  4. Meh. Living in "deplorable conditions" is a choice. If it bothers you, move out, FFS!

    1. Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how long the waiting list is for Section 8 housing? Why, they might have to get a job to get a new apartment!

  5. I know a guy in Florida, former cargo airline pilot, turned wealthy landlord.

    The tenants in an apartment building that he owned made the place unlivable to try and force him to do a complete renovation - rubbish & graffiti everywhere, lights damaged, hallway carpets ripped up, doors and windows broken etc. He found an alternative solution.

    Since it was rendered unlivable according to the tenants, he had local government condemn it as uninhabitable, evicted everybody as required by the condemnation order, asked the local fire department if they wanted a training opportunity, and burnt it to the ground. The fire crews had practice and fun fighting the fire, then remediated the site.

    All the necessary permits, no insurance claim, so no crime.

    Then he gifted it to the city so long as it remained a public park in perpetuity.

    When you reduce the area housing supply by a hundred units or so, with no reduction in demand, rents go up, so he made up much of his "loss" on other properties.
    He may even have taken a tax credit on the "donation" of land to the city.

    I wonder if this Mosaic Appts piece is part one of a similar story.


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