
Thursday, November 09, 2023

Seven Nashville officers on administrative assignment amid investigation into leaked Covenant shooter's writings

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — The Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) confirms seven officers have been put on paid administrative assignment in connection to the leaked pictures of the Covenant shooter's writings. 

A spokesperson with Metro Police says this is not punitive, but rather to protect the integrity of the active, progressing investigation.


  1. Typical, shoot the messenger.....

  2. They're toast....Heroes, but toasted heroes

  3. 'Protect the integrity'.
    Yeah, right. 'Integrity'.

  4. That’s about as honest a confirmation as you can get about the documents. If they were fake there would be nothing to investigate and zero reason to send people home. They could simply refute and deny if it was all made, but they didn’t. So just as suspected, this was a ‘hate crime’ against white Christians by a very disturbed trans person.

    1. I think this was the plan...the steam is out of this story.


  5. Of course, the investigation is into who leaked the trans murderers' crazed writing*, and not into the reasons for its' crimes.
    *Note that the writing refers to a recording made immediately before the murders. Crickets about that from any official sources.
    Note also the repeated involvement of the FBI in suppressing information embarrassing to the supporters of the current regime by declaring the info "part of our continuing investigation" which is not actually occurring at all.
    John in Indy

    1. " protect the integrity of the active, progressing investigation."

      WHAT. Fucking. Investigation??
      The perp is dead; case closed.
      Now if we could just get a blood tox report...

  6. I have not figured out what part of the writing was needed to be protected. Pretty much as expected. I resented other people so I set up a plan to shoot them and I did. The media acted as if it was specifically about the convenant school. But it wasn't. It could have been any school the psycho went to.

  7. So many lies in one place.....
    White straight guy writes a bunch of rambling hate shit before going kill innocent children and adults and it's all over the news in 5 minutes but a crazy she/he white lesbian pretending to be a black guy does it and suddenly it's a national secret... BULLSHIT

  8. They ever finger the guy who leaked the supreme court documents?

  9. This is pretty much what I expected it to be. The woman was fucked in the head, that's no surprise. I want to see her computers. Who she interacted with. Who egged her on to do this shit. THAT is what they are hiding.

  10. Not a lawyer but the court proceedings would be interesting. Photos are evidence and entered into the record becoming public or the photos are suppressed and then the charges are dismissed as there is no evidence.


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