
Thursday, November 09, 2023

U.S. regulators will review car-tire chemical that kills salmon, upon request from West Coast tribes

U.S. regulators say they will review the use of a chemical found in almost every tire after a petition from West Coast Native American tribes, including one in Northern California, that want it banned because it kills salmon as they return from the ocean to their natal streams to spawn.

The Yurok tribe in Northern California and the Port Gamble S'Klallam and Puyallup tribes in Washington asked the Environmental Protection Agency to prohibit the rubber preservative 6PPD earlier this year, saying it kills fish — especially coho salmon — when rains wash it from roadways into rivers. Washington, Oregon, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut also wrote the EPA, citing the chemical's "unreasonable threat" to their waters and fisheries.


  1. I need to drive, and I don't like salmon so I don't give a shit.

    1. That's bullshit. But of course so is the allegation.

    2. I too dislike salmon and enjoy driving my truck.


  2. So, they can set up diversion bypasses to reroute the river, and then sweep off the dried river bed to clean it up. Don't laugh, the EPA has had that done in West Virginia.

    1. Would that be the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency you speak of? The organization that turned the Animas River yellow during the Obama days? That EPA?

    2. Elmo, the same EPA gave a long time gold mine 30 days, then an additional 30 days to clean up from 90+ years of operation. Included were three holding ponds, which until the notice, were EPA approved.

      The two brothers and one son owning the mine protested that EPA's actions violated their own regulations. They won but EPA appealed. EPA, demonstrating their benevolence granted the extra 30 days. Still, it was argued the time frame was too short.

      In the wee morning hours before the now 60 days were expired, EPA used the mine equipment (without owner's authorization) to breach the upper two ponds. This partially collapsed the lower pond.

      The waste poured directly into the main creek for the area. The creek ran into the ocean about 20 miles yonder. EPA brought new charges for polluting the creek.

      The brothers well up in years threw up their hands and quit. The son was billed in excess of $One Million and went to prison for 10 years.

      Ownership of the land was tied up in court for years when I lost track.
      San Luis Obispo County

    3. And all the EPA Apparatchiks involved in this case probably believe they were doing the Lord's work and would do it again if given the opportunity.

      Remember the EPA regional director from Houston that told his subordinates that his mission was to 'crucify' the oil companies in the early Obama years? People like that never leave their jobs voluntarily or get voted out of office. They enjoy making people's lives a living hell for their entire careers.

  3. The EPA, the other terrorist agency.

  4. Ironic, isn't it? The Yurok, who can use gillnets or any other means to legally catch as many Salmon as they like, without limit, are concerned about killing Salmon on the Klamath River.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm all for healthy fisheries. But ever since the Northern Spotted Owl scam I'm more than a bit suspicious when I read about cases like this.

    1. Quite some time ago, a local logging contractor applied for a harvest license in a particular valley. The local treehuggers, who included David Suzuki and that bitch Coleen McRory (local POS in those days,) claimed they seen a spotted owl in that same valley, and therefore it should be protected. Editorials went up in the local papers in support (fucking draft-dodging Democrat hippies,) until the owner of that logging company wrote HIS letter........
      He explained how he was First-Nations, and if that owl was indeed in the valley, he as is his inalienable and traditional right was going to hunt down this owl and serve it in a sacred feast not performed since he was a young boy.
      The saws were buzzing not long after.
      He was the uncle of a friend of mine - used to have a t-shirt that read, "Born to clearcut."

    2. Tree Hugging Leftists v. Indigenous person with a state-issued Timber Operators License and a harvest plan written by a state-licensed Registered Professional Forester.

      Logger 1, Leftists NOTHING. As it should be.

  5. Injuns had open borders.
    Lost their guns.
    Lost their country.
    Laughable complaints about what they have to eat now.
    Treaty better next time, savages.

  6. Going to be a hard ride on wooden tires.

  7. Something I don't give a rats ass about

  8. While they are at it, how about they look into the damaging effects of fire water on those useless casino-American layabouts on the reservations who live off White guilt?

  9. You can't kill Salmon. That's our job!!!

  10. I rarely, if ever, smush salmon with my tires driver remotely close enough to salmon such that dust from my tires would impact salmon in any way. But, sure, let’s ban tires and keep turning food into ethanol in an inflationary environment.

  11. Before any restrictions are imposed try need to prove...not allege but prove, that 6PPD is toxic to fish and also prove that tires moving on roadways are a meaningful source of this chemical entering the watershed. I doubt they can actually prove these allegations.

    1. Oh, I guarantee you they can prove anything they want to. Take for instance that lead bullet fragments in gut piles were killing raptors in California. All they needed was "The Science" to legally prove their theory. And "The Science" was provided by "The Scientists" from the University of California, whose paychecks were all signed by the same Controller who signed the paychecks of the Statists who wanted to make ammunition more expensive and more difficult to obtain. And VOILA! "The Science" is settled! No more leaded ammunition for you!

      See how easy it is for The State to prove whatever they want to?

  12. I think they put in the firewater as well.

  13. You know how many tons of tire rubber end up in the environment every year? If it's not "rubber preservative 6PPD" then it's gonna be something else.

    I remember, years ago, reading about some genetically modified bacteria that ate tire rubber. Releasing it was going to be the solution to pollution. Haven't heard about it since.

  14. This is low hanging fruit. It's an alignment with powerful allies in big government.
    I doubt the tribes conceived this. I suspect people within fedgov using the tribes. What a shocker!

    The real injury is Korean boats just outside the 200 mile fishery exclusion zone, or inside, but beyond 12 miles with fedgov approval. But that's international and would involve buckets of money and incentives. Plus, those powerful allies are loathe to the battle or don't have jurisdiction.


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