
Thursday, November 09, 2023

The Cost of Covering American Roads with EVs Is Raising Some Big Speed Bumps

With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022, the federal government boosted tax credits, hoping to help American consumers wary of the higher sticker prices for electric vehicles (EVs) to warm up to them. In a further push, in May of this year, the EPA proposed emissions standards on new vehicles that are designed to make 60% of all new vehicle sales to be electric powered by 2030.

The automotive industry responded eagerly to the push for EVs, pledging to transform large portions of their business over to electric lines. A Reuters analysis in October 2022 estimated that 37 global automakers were planning $1.2 trillion in investments in EVs, batteries and materials for the transition through 2030.


  1. Using American’s tax money to push these electronic pieces of shit is like using health insurance premiums to mandate hemorrhoids.

  2. Without charging stations…
    Then what?

  3. Didn't somebody calculate that the cost of replacing the batteries over the life of an EV was equivalent to paying $16+/gal for gasoline?

    And let's not forget the fire and explosion hazards. And the collapse of parking garages from the heavier EVs. And the Hazardous materials hazards, multiplied by the smoke plume from the fire hazards...

    If a large vehicle is depending on batteries, it's a bad idea. Drones? Fine. Cars? No so much. 18 wheeler? Fuck no. Train? HAHAHAH LOL!

    Either electrify the roads or get of the hobby horse.

    Either way, quit wasting taxpayer money on yet another pointless unproductive boondoggle that only serve to enrich the rich and grind on the face of the poor.

    John G.

    1. Actually, Locos run on electric traction motors powered by diesel engines that spin HUGE generators.
      Can't get that snappy torque needed to get 100 railcars moving-just diesel can't do it.
      My first job out of HS was to service all aspects of power & rolling stock, from bearing boxes to bells.

    2. Locomotives are diesel-electric, not battery-electric. Or sometimes electric powered through an overhead cable or a third rail - call it coal-electric. The only battery power I've ever heard of for full-size trains was a small battery to get the train through a gap of a few feet in the overhead cable power.


  5. I sold my golf cart when I moved off of the course. There is no way in hell I'd buy an EV.

    If you gave me one, I'd sell it.

  6. Roads are often, no usually in need of repair all over the world

  7. Time to defund the EPA...constantly pushing the demented Lefty agenda by the backdoor for decades the rest of us schlubs get to pay for for twice the price.

  8. That dog won't hunt....

  9. Pretty soon the US is going to look like Cuba with all the old cars on the road. I sure as hell am not going to buy a EV and I suspect most everyone here feels the same way.


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