
Thursday, November 09, 2023

THIS Professor Wants AMNESTY For Covid Lockdowns - Absolutely Not!

 An NYU professor was on “Real Time with Bill Maher” making the argument that everyone who pushed for harsh COVID restrictions and lockdowns should receive some grace because we were dealing with unknowns. The problem with that is there were people who knew the lockdowns were catastrophic and said so at the time. One of those people was Chad Prather, and his response to this idiot echoes the sentiment of everyone who had their lives ruined because of the COVID madness. 

VIDEO HERE  (9:41 minutes)


  1. Now WHY would they ask for amnesty? Do they think they NEED it?

  2. Yes Yes Yes! I dare say his thoughts are very clear and if I could speak as well I'd say the same.

  3. Sure. When the politicians, legacy media talking heads, and police state apparatchiks are swinging from lampposts alongside Zuckerberg and the rest of the tech Gestapo that shut down the truth, I'll forgive the brainwashed sheep. Until then best I can do is say, "Kiss my ass."

  4. Fuck amnesty.

    Those bastards were complicit, either in promoting the clot-shot without knowing it wasn't a true vaccine with grave side effects, or knowing and promoting it anyway. Those who went above and beyond to insist it be mandatory and/or suggested punishment for those who refused should be first in line at the gallows. Give all those cocksuckers a booster in each arm while they wait.


    1. Yes, an anti-noose vax....You know, the hanging would be SO MUCH Worse without it...

      Ooops, guess knot! (not)


  5. Why do people still feel the need to talk about Covid lockdowns , for me that has been and gone and I am not stressing over it, stressing will not change a damn thing

    1. Well I totally disagree with your statement.. There were rights violated, there were people who lost the livelihoods, there were illegal forced mandates, there were people falsely detained, arrested, and there were people who died among all the other crap because of these lying bastards and their actions Their attempts to assume control over our lives are very important to keep fresh in our minds and prosecution of these POS should have begun a year ago, 20 years minimum with no early release. .. Never again should be the words coming out of our mouths NOT oh well it was a couple of years ago so let's just pretend it didn't happen. Fuck That Bullshit

    2. I think some of it is that none of these people involved in crimes against humanity have been held accountable. There comes a point where evil people know they can go another step each time if they are beyond recrimination and punishment. I reckon a lot folks haven't forgot.

    3. Have you ever wondered how the National Socialists were able to convert good Germans into people who were okay with putting a bullet in the back of the head of pregnant women? If you didn't think it could happen in the rest of the modern West, the covid response of New Zealand, Australia, and the United States should have disuaded you of the notion that we out grew such barbaric behavior.

      Those now asking for amnesty advocated taking away people's children, having mecial. Concentration camps, and destroying the lives of people who did not comply with taking experimental, untested "vaccines". (No. mRNA shots are not traditional vaccines despite the efforts at revisionist history).

      Look up the Nuremberg trials. Forced medical experiments like the covid jab are explicitly forbidden. So, sure you might be ready to put the nazification of the west behind you, those who know and understand history are not.

    4. Well all those who are deceased sure are not grumbling.
      However they can still vote. So it is not as though they cannot express themselves.

  6. Fuck that and fuck him
    No amnesty for any of these assholes, ever

  7. Fuck that shit! You gotta pay, and pay dearly, so it sends an message to the next crop of scum waiting in the wings.

    Chutes Magoo

  8. I confess I did not watch the video, but I'm pretty sure the professor has nothing to say that is worth hearing. For anyone that supported lockdowns, I say "fuck you." For anyone requesting grace or anmesty for supporting lockdowns, I say "fuck you with a barbwire-wrapped dildo."

  9. It is precisely because we were dealing with unknowns that the sanctimonious know-it-alls should have stood down, rather than demanding harsh legal and social sanctions against those they condemned as heretics for not living in fear and meekly following the ever-changing commandments from the "experts".

    Saddest thing of all is that the guilty parties have learned nothing and will do it all over again next time.

    1. Which unknowns? What was unknown at the time? Name one 'unknown'.

  10. They don't deserve amnesty, they deserve to shit themselves dangling on the end of a rope.

  11. I immediately think of this quote from The Lord of The Rings.
    "When you hang from a gibbet, for the sport of your own crows, we shall have peace!"

    They lied about everything, they should be driven from elected office and academia. Any of them who profited from their lies should be stripped of everything they own and hanged.

  12. Nope. Plenty of evidence was public that would have caused any honest ,reasonable people to stop pushing for the Jab. Only after it became a foregone conclusion, after irrefutable evidence had been public until the normies simply revolted did they suddenly figure it out. Naah,, they need their lives destroyed or, high enough up the chain, ended.

  13. Fuck no. Not now, not ever.

  14. Start with the leader of the pack. Thr new York grifter. Donny backed "15 days to slow the spread " as well as appointing scarf lady and fauci. Hang that muther

  15. Punishment is required, not amnesty!

  16. Amnesty for wannabe tyrants?
    Sure, with a bullet.

  17. [img][/img]

  18. They have completed the Fuck Around portion , and do not want to do the Find Out part , wonder why?

  19. Joann....Remember his remarks about never having had a critical thought...



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