
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Bill would require all Oklahoma voters to re-register, show birth certificate

If one state lawmaker has his way, every Oklahoma voter will soon have to re-register if they want to cast a ballot; in addition, they’ll have to go to greater lengths to prove their citizenship. 

According to language in Senate Bill 1659 – filed by Republican Senator Jack Stewart – Oklahomans would have to re-register to vote by 2025, provide proof of United States citizenship and proof of current residence to the appropriate county election board to be eligible to vote in any local, state, or federal election.


  1. ACLU and SPLC are alread preparing to file a thousand law suits opposiing the draconian rules

  2. Death by a thousand justice system paper cuts.

  3. Invaders exempt and protected.
    You will own nothing.
    Die, commies, die.

  4. Great ifea to clean up the voter rolls of people who are not alive or no longer residents of the voting district. Proving citizenship should be mandatory everywhere.

  5. Even as aggravated as I get with government requirements, it would be worth re-registering IF (**IF**) we could prevent illegal votes. Alas...

  6. F**k you. The folks that dreamed that BS up will NOT be around in 2025. I have been voting for 55 years.

  7. There will be a back door for the special people...

  8. I don't see a downside in the proposal. In fact, it will make liberal heads explode! A win win in my books...

  9. If they want to really make the Leftist heads explode, tell them that acceptable voter ID is a valid Driver's License and a pay stub from work within the past 30 days.

    1. Hell NO! Don't you realize how many states give DLs to illegals?

    2. The valid pay stub is the killer.

    3. A property tax statement, or no voter card.

  10. At the same time they can reregister for any government handouts like welfare.

  11. This seems like a great idea.

  12. That would be lovely in Massachusetts, every election I am stopped from voting because the Town Clerk continues to list me as an "inactive voter". Even though I vote in every election.
    But I'm an Independent and refuse to fill out the bullshit "Town Census" form.
    So please! Go ahead and put everyone else through the same BS. At least I can easily prove I'm a citizen.

  13. I could make a phone call and have a certified copy of my birth certificate in a couple weeks, Government workers seem to work slower yearly - especially in Cook County. If I'm able to do it. I guess we all can do it. Go for it. My family's been voting in Chicago for > 150 years.

  14. I've long been an advocate of wiping the voter rolls clean after every election. Open registration 6 months before the election. Every voter must register in person at the courthouse. ID and proof of residence required. Registration ends 30 days before the election. ID required to vote. If your name isn't on the roll at the voting precinct you don't vote. No exceptions.

    1. What about people such as active duty military. Can they still vote absentee?

  15. Can we get that in Florida?

  16. Its the same bs they are pulling with 'real id'. Back in the day I had to show a birth certificate along with supporting documents to get my initial drivers license. Now, I have to supply the same documents again so they can scan them and have them on file. The downside to not reverifying my ID, I can't fly or enter a federal building.

  17. Why a republican senator would try this in a majority republican, conservative state like Oklahoma seems like a waste of time and money…. and a pain in the ass. Oklahoma already requires state issued ID or voter registration card to cast a ballot.


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