
Friday, January 05, 2024

Is there anything that isn't regulated in California?

Throwing away your kitchen food scraps in the trash can is actually breaking a California law. Starting in 2024, SB 1383 says cities could fine you for not recycling your food waste.


  1. So throwing away my potato peels is bad, and I have to purchase an expensive plastic-from-oil container to put it in that then once a week is hauled away by a smoking using-diesel-from-oil dump truck which then brings it to a landfill?

    It is probably simpler to just throw it all in the middle of the street next to Kalifornia's other favorite recyclable: human feces.

  2. Cue the rat infestation and bubonic plague outbreak....

  3. Time to start shitting into the kitchen counter bin, I guess.

  4. Happy Kumbaya you stupid fucks

  5. "In Sacramento, the city already knows what you're throwing away with cameras on all the trucks."

    These m/fers are wonder intelligent citizens are fleeing the People's Democratic Republic of Calmexistan in such droves....except for the illegal alien invader parasites....

  6. I am so fucking glad I left that leftist shit hole 20 years ago.....

  7. ah california. east germany with beaches. enjoy!

  8. Personally, I have very little choice but to sit here and hope these filthy fascists die of constipation soon. Their damn computers will probably keep after us even then.

  9. Yes! The politicians.

  10. I wonder if The French Laundry will be exempt.

  11. I moved home to Texas over 10 years ago after living in California for several decades. Saw the writing on the wall and got out while the getting was good. A couple of years ago I moved into a rural development. When setting up trash collection I asked about whether recycling was included.

    "Oh, sorry. No, we don't offer recycling. I hope that's OK," said the nice lady on the other end.

    "Perfectly fine with me. Since you don't offer it I don't have to feel guilty about not doing it!"

    She thought it was funny, too. :-)

  12. ". . . the waste should go in residents' green bin with leaves and yard trimmings."

    My green bin is full of Irish whisky bottles and cigar butts.

  13. Green bins are picked up every 2 weeks. Going to be some nasty smelling cans. The Karens in all the HOA's will be handing out fines left and right.

    1. Green waste run through a chipper or tub grinder smells good.

      Food scraps run through a chipper or tub grinder, not so much. But it might be excellent training for other organic material that will need to be processed in the very near future.

  14. Who throws food scraps in the garage anyway? I guess they don’t have chickens.

    1. I think you forgot the 'b' in 'garbage'. Heh.

  15. The Recycling Nazi's up here in Vancouverstan came up with a brilliant scheme a few years back and Issued everyone a little pink plastic box about the size of a hat box and declared that everyone must use that for food scraps instead of throwing them in the garbage.
    They also discovered said pink plastic box deposited in their plastic recycling bin the very next Monday. Never heard another word about it.
    Fucking Morons.

  16. Which is why the green waste can with the food scraps ferments in the sun for as long as possible (sometimes up to a month). Fuck them fuckin puto's.

  17. I shit in my can this past week to save on water a sewer costs. Feel like I’m contributing. Fuck Biden.

  18. Placer County, CA has got it going on:

    "Do not sort your food waste from garbage. Let us do that for you."
    This program yields tons of compost, which is then sold for good money.


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