
Friday, January 05, 2024

Wayne LaPierre resigns as NRA leader

Wayne LaPierre resigned as leader of the National Rifle Association on Friday, ending his decadeslong reign over the prominent gun rights group, days before the start of his civil trial in New York.


Hopefully they'll get new leadership that's more on board with the majority of gun owners nowadays.
If they do, I might consider rejoining in a year or two after they prove themselves.


  1. Fuck that slimy cocksucker.

    TMF Bert

  2. Good riddance to that POS. I'm not sure I would ever rejoin the NRA, at least not till the entire board is replaced and they show me that they give two shits about the rank and file members not just the Big Money donors.

  3. i suggest Ian McCollum.

  4. Bite the big one, Wayne.

    “I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.” NRA President Karl T. Frederick

  5. I joined the NRA in 1970. When Wayne was caught with his hand in the cookie jar and his disregard of the rank and file, that was it. I quit. it took a while for the membership personnel to stop calling me to rejoin. At least a couple of NRA telephone callers asked me why after decades, I decided to quit. I said when Wayne goes AND the board members actually do their jobs, I would happily rejoin. We shall see who goes and who stays. IMHO, most board members don't really put much effort into oversight, just line up for the LaPierre BS.

  6. When it becomes Charlton Heston's NRA again, maybe.

  7. As part of his severance package old Wayne got the organization to cover all of his legal fees going forward. He and his cronies will all get golden parachutes on their way out of the NRA.

  8. The NRA walked away from it's core purpose for existing a long time ago, my Life Member card is in a drawer somewhere and I seriously doubt I'll be looking for it anytime soon.

  9. I had hoped to see him leave in handcuffs, but this is good enough.
    They used to call me all the time looking for money. The last time they called, I told them that I wouldn’t give them on red cent until they fired him. The lady on the phone read a prepared statement about how he had done nothing wrong and wouldn’t be fired and then she hung up on me. They haven’t called me since.

    1. $10,000 a month for clothing services (including new clothing) isn't wrong?

  10. Never again. Was a member once, but they turned their creed into a bunch of bs.

  11. I became a life member in 2010.
    I wish I could get my money back.

  12. I don't know why we should expect any improvement from a board which has supported Wayne's kleptocracy for all these years. I've stayed a member for about forty years thinking they did more good than bad, like Republicans, but my renewal is up in April and we'll see what happens.

  13. Yeah lawyer as leaders not so much. They do have the largest membership. Now if they would actually listen to us and fight the battles we need fought I might have to give them a few schekles.

  14. I’ve been a life member for several decades but have not contributed to them for quite some time because of Wayne’s shit. Not sure they’ve been on our side since the assault weapons ban of 94. They might start looking out for our interests again with Wayne gone, but I doubt it. Eod1sg Ret

    1. All good, I've been a life member since I forget and also have not contributed in years because they are not looking out for our interests.

  15. That reminds me. I need to send Gun Owners another check.

  16. I dumped NRA 8 or 9 years ago and went with the GOA.

  17. I wonder if he's actually guilty of anything. The NRA is one of the many organizations the Left has to do away with, to forward their agendas. They have done their best to destroy the Boy Scouts, Christian Churchs, and any organizations that promotes honesty or family values. Congress has been one party for 30+ years. What ever "Build Back Better" is, it's the opposite of "America First".

    1. Yes, he's guilty of being a lying, conniving, turncoat POS. I hope his Democrat buddies eat him for lunch.

  18. I and my wife stopped renewing our memberships about 5 years ago, writing something along the lines of 'When he goes we'll renew." I still get American Rifleman.

  19. I am so glad I did NOT get a lifetime membership when I had the chance. Like comments above, I will not consider a dimes donation until they prove the organization is a real 2A defender.
    For now, my contributions go to OFF (Oregon Firearms Federation), a read David vs. the Goliath of an evil state.
    As for their ongoing junk mail, like all my junk mail, I say "Send me more!" I manage to extract a few BTU's from each piece in my woodstove.

  20. He needs to return all the money he stole first. Then he needs to apologize to the heritage white gun owners of America. Then he needs to go down to the river and blow his brains out with a pistol round of his choice, (on video). Good riddance you POS. There must me a tectonic shift in the direction of the NRA before I consider resuming membership. Fook load of wasted rights, and money with that POS

  21. ossified leadership..... now to rid the rnc of ronna mcDanial

  22. I was done with the NRA. A few years ago Judge Roy Moore ran for senate in Alabama. There was a sex allegation just before election day. The NRA threw their endorsement with Doug Jones (Democrat). Just like with Bret Kavanaugh, the allegations were proven false... but too late for the election. If that wasn't enough, I was further disgusted with the actions of the NRA when they, not only refused support, but worked against Kyle Rittenhouse. I thought my money going to the NRA was supposed to be used just for that... helping out when you are involved in a gun related legal matter. I give my money to Gun Owners of America for now. The NRA will have to do some major changing to get my trust again.


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