
Friday, February 02, 2024

And it starts.....

Update(1535ET): It's currently just after 11:30pm in the Middle East, and weather is clear. The Biden administration has begun its retaliatory strikes: 

Regional analyst Kevork Almassian comments as this initial wave of attacks begins: "The US air force is bombing Eastern Syria near al-Mayadeen. Syria is a sovereign country which has not attacked the United States. A clear violation of international law."


  1. After all it is election year and Bite Me has to look commano tough

  2. Is it really retaliatory when you've told the enemy where and when you are going to strike?

    Fuck Joe Biden!

    1. They needed to give Iran enough warning time and delay to get their senior IRGC people out of harm's way. The DNC is an ally of Iran, Hamas, and Houthi.

      FJB and fuck every person that voted for him too.

    2. That's fucking a lot of stupid people,probably ugly too....

  3. Thinking these “targeted” strikes will be ineffective. Suggest a dozen B-52 Arc Light strikes instead. They get everyone’s attention.

    1. OK, so think about what you are suggesting would take. Consider that Iran is not defenseless. Every plan has to have a "to achieve what goal", and should have a sequel to the action, follow on missions in a campaign to achieve a strategic goal that is decided by the political structure.

    2. watching... er, "experiencing" an arc light strike is majestic in its horrendousness... it starts from way the fuck over as far as you can see and marches all the way across to way the fuck to the other side...
      boom after boom after... figure 3 cells of 3 Buffs, each with 105 500 lb. H.E./incendiary... get their attention? Likely so.

  4. Everybody getting hit but Iran. They must be laughing at us. Must be telling their people America is to scared to attack them. I think we should have hit a couple sites in Iran. Maybe their nuclear center or a major military compound or two?

    1. That’s a great idea. America should absolutely do that. Our tranny and poc army would use the Power of Diversity to overcome or some other such nonsense.

    2. After Carter's failed rescue attempt, the Iranians learned the value of decentralization. Even if we took out 10 sites, they have plenty more. If we took out the top 1,000 mullahs, they would still have 9,000 waiting on the wings.

    3. I don't think they have nuclear weapons yet. I think they soon will. Should we hit them now or wait until they do have them? Or do nothing and hope once they have the weapons they don't use them? I'm not being critical of others opinions or being sarcastic. They are just thoughts that I have.

  5. And the Biden administration leaked which targets they were going to hit. Meaning nobody of any importance will be taken out.

  6. Okay, now do a retaliatory strike against those responsible for killing thirteen soldiers during the retreat from Afghanistan. That senile jackass and his cohorts won't have far to look.

  7. Bound and determined to get us into WWIII to make everyone forget how bad the country is doing. FJB and his entire staff and all the Democrats in the freaking country.

  8. Hit Iran? Their missile technology is pretty advanced. Hit Iran, kiss every sailor within 1200mi goodbye. I don't know what a nuke powered aircraft carrier looks like when a hypersonic missile with a 2k warhead hits it, and I'd rather not find out. Then they probably go after Israel. Probably flatten Tel Aviv. Hit Iran? Maybe think about it, or do it yourself, I'm really not interested in WW3.


    1. Complete agreement with you. Extending the scenario, once Tel Aviv is hit, the Israelis will send a nuclear counter strike against Tehran.

      Mutual Assured Destruction only worked because both sides were relatively sane. That is not the current holder of nukes.

    2. Maybe there would be nothing left of Israel after an Iranian strike.
      Israel being gone would solve a whole plethora of problems.

  9. Nice of him to wait for the important Iranians to evacuate first. No other reason to give them advanced notice.

  10. Does this count as another war? Incidentally if the Joint Chiefs had obeyed President Trumps order to remove our people from Syria and Jordon then they couldn't have hit us in the first place.

  11. Yeah, and the traitors in the US military informed their Soviet Commie connections so we wouldn’t harm them, and well, the players on the chess board moved to avoid damage. Millions in ammo lost for nothing. Traitors.

  12. Iran has been poking Pakistan with a sharp stick lately. So between them and Israel Iran is in the cat bird seat.


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