
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Commentary: Congress Must Fight Modern Day Slavery

On February 13, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act with a vote of 414-11. The bipartisan legislation, authored by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), will reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 – which expired in 2021 – and provide approximately $1 billion in funding over five years for programs that combat the scourge of human trafficking.


  1. We can be assured though that this does NOT include trafficking through our Southern Border of course. Those are all Joe's 'guests', especially sniffable 12-year old girls.

  2. instead of throwing more money at this, which didn't work the last time, how about just putting a big wall along the Southern border and LOCK IT DOWN? That would pretty much stop human traffic from getting into CONUS in the first place. It seems to me I recall someone had proposed such a wall not that long ago.

  3. Congress must do something to help Americans my ass. The only thing the Deep Staters must do is con Americans to get re-elected.

  4. White people ended the practice of slavery on this continent, S America, Europe, and Australia. If someone wants to fight slavery in the 21st century they need to go to Africa or Asia where it still exists. Extending the definition of "slavery" to drug addled whores and criminal foreigners is abuse of language, because these modern victims have plenty of opportunity to escape.

  5. Without reading it, I’ll wager it grants protection from deportation of anyone claiming to be trafficked.
    Like the scam that got uncovered recently of people paying to be “Victims of crimes “ to be protected against deportation

  6. Congress has 435 members. Who were the 11 scumbags that voted against it? And who were the 10 that abstained or didn’t vote?

  7. Riiiight. The Catholics who are part of the problem are against it. Hypocrites.

  8. We pay the UN 1.5 billion to traffic people to the US. Now we are paying 1 billion to stop it. My guess is we will be getting 2.5 billion worth of trafficed people into the US.

  9. Just a way to funnel money into "Catholic Charities".

  10. "Pope" Francis and the Catholic"Charities" , are some of the biggest smugglers and enablers of trafficking across our southern border and into the mainland FUSA

  11. Is the $1 billion to buyback the slaves from the slave traffickers?
    Gun buybacks work.
    Buy back the slaves works, too.

  12. Is this the only law on the books that prevents this from occurring? Surely that can't be true. And if it isn't true, this is just more good money thrown after bad.

  13. If this many voted for it, there must be great kick-backs to everyone. I cannot believe Democraps would be on board if the "bill, lie" actually does what they want us to believe it does...


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