
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Darwinism at work

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- In San Francisco, two teenagers have died in the last two weeks doing what is known as "train surfing" a trend that is popular on social media where teens climb to the roof of moving trains.

On Sunday, a 15 year old boy was found on the tracks between the Balboa Park and Daly City Bart Stations.

On January 29, 19 year old, Daniel Baran died in the same area.


  1. Youth and stupidity often intertwine seamlessly. I'm 66, when we were young and dumb, the badasses would climb a tension tower that sent cables across the Mississippi River. They would brag about hearing the electricity crackling.

  2. We aren't supposed to live forever, we are supposed to go grab life's challenges and win the battle.. Sometimes you lose..

  3. They ain't "victims" lady. Idiots, dumbshits, whatever.

  4. They say you can't fix stupid.
    Self fixing of stupidity, is just plain stupid.

  5. Once upon ago, before Westinghouse invented the air brake, train brakemen had to turn hand brakes on each car, climbing and walking between cars to do so. Railroad worker fatalities ran as high as 50,000 a year. The physics of traveling across the top of a moving train have not changed. Neither have the results if you make a mistake.

  6. Hey, you know.

    Immortality. Use it or lose it


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