
Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Fucking prudes

A mom in central Florida has been banned from dropping her kids off at a private Christian school because of an advertisement for her OnlyFans account on her vehicle.


  1. Some people got no standards when it comes to making money. Having said that the "drop off' ban is kinda insane unless she's hustling 8 year old be co-Only Fan stars.

    1. Completely agree.
      Id add that a private school should be able to do as they please even though its overboard.
      Also, those kids are probably mocked mercilessly.

    2. I think the issue is that she has a great big stinkin' picture of herself and 'Only Fans' plastered all over the ass end of her SUV. She's not just picking her kid up, she's advertising on school grounds.

    3. Anon 2:04 PM: There's just a text advertisement. How in heck did you pull "a a great big stinkin' picture of herself" out of your imagination?

      Other parents still might be embarrassed to explain it if their kid types the URL from the advertisement into a browser. You can't see much without a paid subscription, but you can see enough to get an idea of what subscribers can see - _all_ of a tattooed woman. And I'm quite sure there are boys at that Christian school that would steal a parent's credit card to see what they are not supposed to see.

  2. Sarcasm, right? Or perhaps the lovely mother should be permitted to post a bulletin advertising her services and wares in the entrance to the private christian school? I've known private christian schools that would have immediately demanded that the children of such a woman be removed from the attendance rolls. It's not a public school, where the sexual degenerates and pedophiles are explicitly in charge of the operation. Prudes? Really.

    1. Spot fucking on!

    2. I agree and also believe the school has a duty to shelter the rest of the kids from the porn ad.

      There is also a certain hypocrisy surround trying to get a Christian education while advertising porn.

      LOL at the comment below: "...have any naked pic of your mom...".


  3. Let her pick the kid up safely. Then get the window replaced from the "accidental" brick .

  4. Poor kids ... remember that old joke ... hey, have any naked pictures of your mom? no. no? wanna buy some?

  5. It's her First Amendment Right to display that decal. She needs a lawyer to explain that to the school.

    1. Private school, It's their First Amendment Right to ban that decal.

    2. You know NOTHING about "Our Rights" if you believe this.....

    3. Private schools can make their own rules just like I can make the rules in my private residence. If the porn slut doesn't like the rules, she can pull her kids and enroll them in a public government school.

  6. Peer pressure...but that is a HUGE advertisement for something that most would consider flaky today and just wouldn't have happened a few years back.

  7. OK, Bastiat applies yet again

    When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.

    --Frederic Bastiat

    US people are in need of a true Civil War II to re-*caliberate* their values and ideals. Better people (the survivors) can be forged by applying heat and chemicals.

    1. Great Bastiat quote, Anon.

  8. Public/Private School: Eh! I don't care.
    I'd agree with her 100% if this weren't a Christian school, but...
    There's a certain level of ethical christian conduct that's to be expected of a parent and her advertisement across the back window, IMHO, does not meet it.
    And I'm not a Christian.

  9. Streisand effect to follow....

    1. Onlyfans mom dropping off kids is the best thing that could happen to young boys. First, he sees average no makeup early morning mom drop off the kids, and when he checks only fans after school he sees something astoundingly different. Ah, the magic of makeup, women now use it to make their boobs look bigger. The youth will learn to never trust women to present reality over artifice. This would be a gift of learning beyond gold and diamonds.

      Second he would learn that there is no magic vagina. They are just like the bus service. Another one will come along in 15 minutes the functions just like the first. From this he will learn to not place women on a pedestal and to look out for his own interests first.

      Of course, I may be behind the curve on this. Looking at the young men's response to third wave feminism and their abandonment of marriage and family creation would suggest so.
      I seen to remember this started in the late '80's to early '90's when boys stopped inviting girls to the prom and just went to the after party. Girls who wanted a date had to pay for the tickets, limo and dinner to get a guy. I expect I am too old to see the changes needed , the surrender of stubbornness needed by one side or the other to solve this.

      But for you young guys out there I have two words. "Passport Bros."

  10. Damn, these keep getting closer. I keep waiting for one to feature someone I actually know.

  11. Here is an opportunity to exhibit what it is to be a Christian. How about "love the sinner, hate the sin"? people who are upset should then look and see how many Biden and pro-Dem cause stickers are on cars, how many "rainbows"... then let the hypocrisy sink in. Jesus set an example in Luke 7:36-50... and let us take a moment to realize who the real victims are here... her children. They will grow up knowing that their mother sold her private life because she thought it was easier than a straight job. I bet those kids will grow up to have some sharp thoughts on the situation.

    Now, consider if you will another angle... all the moms complaining about this probably are not as attractive as her, and are jealous. Consider the husbands of same, some of whom probably are simpscribers to the e-thot's account. As sad as that is, those same butt hurt complainers may have shut the physical affection tap off for their partner in their general displeasure (for those interested in how that generally works out, read The Lysistrata, by Aristophanes). The complainers are angry because Becky there can sell, and they cannot. Just my two cents, but the interviewed complainer looks like she may have other issues she may want to tend to before she goes after Becky. The lesson the legion of angry wahmen need to take onboard is that maybe if they spent some time in the gym and took care of themselves to not look like a bag of warm trash in a muumuu, maybe they might be happier in their lives.

    A prime example of this was with Mrs. Poindexter out in Sacramento, a remarkably well-preserved milf who faced similar challenges at school for her kids, and the local moral lynch mob made it so bad for her, she moved her family into a much nicer place ... paid for by her simpscribers. You can read the whole drama over on reddit, which is a cesspit unto itself.

    1. Wow, that's a whole lot to unpack so I'll summarize; Private school, christian or otherwise can make and enforce their own rules and policies.. You don't have to agree with them but they have the right to enforce them anyway...

  12. She’s just abiding by the teachings in the New Testament,..”Love thy neighbor as thyself……”


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