
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

FDA Agrees to Remove Anti-Ivermectin Posts Off the Internet in Lawsuit Settlement

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reportedly settled a lawsuit brought by three doctors who accused the health regulator of interfering with their ability to practice medicine and prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID. 

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Paul E. Marik and Dr. Robert L. Apter sued the FDA in June of 2022, asking the court to: “Hold unlawful and set aside any FDA actions directing or opining on whether ivermectin should be used for certain off-label purposes, including treatment of COVID-19.”


  1. Like what Harry Reid said about how Romney cheated on his taxes the lies about Ivermectin worked, didn't they? Another case of the progressive Democrat’s mantra, “The end justifies the means”.

    1. A modern shitpoaster knows "the ends justify the memes".

  2. Whoopty doo. All the assholes behind this clotshot extinction crime need hanging.

    1. ...and the corporate entities, i.e. big pharma et el, every one of them, need to have all of the .gov largess clawed back, especially considering the OBSCENE profits they made at our expense and the CEO's and every one of the rest of their top management people need to be fined into bankruptcy and jailed for the rest of their miserable lives.


    2. Again, I wish there was an upvote button.

  3. How about people that died because they could not get ivermectin?
    Oh, of course. Gotit.
    They will vote for democrats.

    1. The work-around regarding Ivermectin was there for all to see, right from the very beginning. You just had to do your own research, have faith in your own judgement and ignore those that told you that you were dangerous to yourself and others by the sycophants of the powers that be.

  4. EVERYONE involved in the banning, censoring, restricting, etc this highly effective treatment MUST be charged with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and be punished in the harshest way upon conviction. EVERYONE.

  5. The 'horse dewormer' lie had to be one of the greatest government lies of all time. It's what allowed the FDA and CDC to pull the 'Emergency Use Authorization' rabbit out of their hat to begin with.

    Never once in the discussion did the liars admit Ivermectin had been approved for human use for forty years while the liars lied and Pfizer and Gate's Moderna (Modified RNA) made billions off of their poison while people died. They can all go to Hell.

  6. This is like finding the retraction for a headliner that was a lie on page 32

  7. The second reason for covid and just as important as big pharma making billions is it justified mail-in voting and observers could not verify ballot counting. If they admitted it was a flu and ivermectin worked, states would not have gone to mail-in voting. There will be another event just like covid. You wont believe in it, but the vote counters will use it to keep observers away. It will be near election tiime so there is not time to discredit it.

  8. MF'ers need to be fired, pensions forfeit, publicly shamed, and sued in civil court for all the deaths they caused.
    Fuck it, just hang 'em!


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