
Monday, March 25, 2024

Kamala Harris Cluelessly Claps along to Spanish Song Protesting against Her

Vice President Kamala Harris was left red-faced during her visit to Puerto Rico on Friday after she was spotted clapping along to a protest song against her before realizing what it meant after an aide translated the lyrics.


  1. Clowns are supposed to enjoy their circus. Stupid is no different.

  2. Kum ala only knows how to work from her knees

    1. ...and still dumbass stupid, despite all of Willie Brown's "deposits". - Nemo

  3. Whoever her plastic surgeon is should be commended for the work done reconstructing and hiding the horseshoe shaped scars on her forehead. Or fivehead!

  4. I'd bet that if one were to conduct an EEG on both Joey and Kamala the results would be identical...Focal slow wave activity! Hence the term "Slo Joe and Slo Kammie."

  5. Let's recall that in Christmas 2021 season on a broadcast call to Resiident Joe Biden, a father ended the call with "Let's Go Brandon", to which Slo Joe replied,
    "Let's Go Brandon, I agree."
    First Babysitter Jill rolled her eyes and gave a little chuckle.

    "Hey, what does this Big Red Button do?"

  6. So how's your Spanish? I speak Spanish - Taco, Enchilada, Burrito - that's it. I would not have a clue what was being sung, and I suspect most of you wouldn't either.
    I still think she is a Idjit

    1. She was clapping - a form of involvement - to show she is down with the people. For a politician, that is an imperative.

      I wouldn't be clapping. I wouldn't even be there. Because I'm not two faced or a politician (I repeat myself).

      You try to make it about language. Its not about understanding the language. Its about being a nitwit.
      And I do know more espanol than I care to admit. You're projecting your own ignorance of the language.

  7. Cluelessly claps? That's how she does everything....cluelessly.

  8. These idiots careen from one embarassment to another. They have no shame so it doesn't effect them.

  9. Red faced? I had a black superintendent that would be Purple faced when I was through talking.



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