
Thursday, March 07, 2024

New York AG sends cease-and-desist over transgender sports ban in Nassau County

The New York Attorney General's Office sent a cease-and-desist letter to Nassau County over its recent anti-transgender sports ban. 

"The Order's immediate effect is to force sports leagues to make an impossible choice: discriminate against transgender women and girls, in violation of New York law, or find somewhere else to play," said the letter addressed to Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman.


  1. Nassau county should treat the state AG's letter the way the left treats laws and rulings it doesn't like. Ignore it.

  2. When you give low I.Q. bullies a little legal authority you gotta expect them to act like rabid baboons on a power trip. Anyone who's dealt with Motor Vehicle low level bureaucrats should know that.

  3. The left makes life so miserable that people willingly submit and give up their constitutional rights with no hope of ever recovering those rights.

    1. Posted to the wrong thread, dammit!

  4. The only sport a woman needs to be proficient in is how fast she can make it from the 'fridge to me with a beer.

    My assholiness just took control before the shattered remains of my filter could strain it.

  5. At present time, the only practical path for families with girls in sports is to pull them out of the leagues and other entities they participate in. Make it a stark show where the ONLY people participating are the trannies and other mentally ill degenerates.
    In so doing, the leagues and organizations will go BROKE in short order. The power of the pocketbook is about the only leverage that they have at this point against a raging totalitarian state govt.
    The state cannot mandate that the girls play any sport. The immediate withdrawal of all biological females from any and all sport will destroy any and all organizations that host sport events. I am stating this to you from behind enemy lines, here on "Lawn Guyland" Suffolk County (the far east end of the Island. Angry moms & dads, withdraw your daughters until the Albany regime is sent packing at the ballot box. You can always rebuild those organizations later, after the great correction for the deviancy now seen.

    1. You are 100% correct. No buy in no need for 100K a year coaches or any title nine sports at all. It'll only take a year before the lawyers really muck it up good and hard.

    2. WestcoastDeplorable

    3. WestcoastDeplorableMarch 7, 2024 at 6:13 PM

      I like how you think. Let them play in their own (and do mean OWN) league!

    4. It seems some of this would be fairly easily dealt with. The dude who's beating everyone in swimming, frinstance. Ok, he's just won another swimming comp? Is he a "woman"? Call doping on his ass. He can't possibly pass, as he's still packing meat and two vegetables. So he gets bounced for doping( Lance Armstrong, I'm looking right at you). Caught a second time, and he's likely banned for life. Problem solved. Just push for random testing a la the Olympics.

  6. A lot of transgener people are cool people some are assholes who I want to slap, if only you could slap the stupid out of people

    1. I do not know any trannies, I want to keep it that way. The sheer obnoxiousness with which they have been foisted upon normal America makes me recoil in disgust. they are forced upon us at work (policies, recognition, special decorations of rainbows, etc.) There is something greatly alarming about serious mental illness glossed over by political expediency that just creeps me the F out (which is "transexualism"). I do NOT want to experience halloween every single day, and I sure as F do NOT want to see dudes in "womanface" being insufferable. In this, I think the Muslims have it right.

    2. "Muslims have it right". Yep. Put them in a hole and play buzkashi.

    3. Coolness is not a metric I'd use to measure mental deviancy.
      A psychopathic serial killer can be 'cool'.

  7. Hochul will probably send the Nat Guard when they're done in NYC.


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