
Friday, March 29, 2024

Shit, he couldn't sing before the peptic ulcer

Bruce Springsteen is speaking out after relaunching his tour with the E Street Band following a six-month break to deal with a diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease. 

"The Boss" revealed that during the worst stages of his condition, he wasn't able to sing at all.


  1. He's an obama ass suck. I never liked him.

  2. Hate him never liked him most un American "born in the USA"

  3. I heard the best description of him on the old “Imus in the morning” program back in the early 90’s. “Just what everyone needs, an overgrown bar band on steroids playing the jagundadome for three night! Talk about overkill, I won’t listen to three hours of music I like! And the audience just sits there like lemmings, listening to him warble on with these self-indulgent tributes to the working man. Of course the audience stays, they have no lives, they live in Jersey!”

    1. Noo Jersey is the Dollar Store version of Noo Yawk. The taxes, oy vey! The taxes are anuddah shoah!

  4. Couldn’t stand him since the mid 70s who cares he’s irrelevant.

  5. Assholes like Brucie give patriotic boozers a bad name.

    1. Always thought of him as the Huey Lewis of the east coast.

  6. You know, even when I was a kid, I listened to the lyrics and knew I disagreed with most of them. But I loved music. And, as a pothead, I agreed with a lot of them. No wonder I’m not sure who needs a good killing first


    Chutes Magoo

  8. Im gonna be the odd man out here and say that I rather like some of his songs.

    Hes a flaming liberal for sure, but I can separate the art from the artist.
    otherwise Id never be able to watch or listen to any entertainment.

    I wore out several cassette tapes of Born in the USA album when I was a teenager.

    and some of the other songs are great.

    writing the words is a talent, he also writes the music, and sings. his voice doesnt work for some songs, but for some others i think its great.

    hes got alot of garbage songs, but some good ones too.

  9. Mediocre talent, media hype. Always liked how Randy Newman (1st rate talent) said about himself, "I'm a Limousine Liberal with a servicable voice." BTW, he's a Top 10 royalties performer. Think of all the animated movie scores he's penned.

    Plus, the greatest song ever about Yankee Hypocrisy - "Rednecks".


  10. he never was 'able to sing at all'.

    He is one of the few artists that cause an immediate button-push on my radio, along with Cher and James Taylor (for starters)

  11. Talentless Peter Piper, enamored of late viet nam era meth misfits. Whoever crowned this insufferable knob "the boss" should be tarred and feathered.

  12. National treasure, best left buried IMHO

  13. Eff him. If it weren't for Weasel at WHFS seeing him play at the Cordell Deli and giving him air time, he'd still be a back-street band act. And he's a douchebag. Bruce is to Perth Amboy as Sting is to Dublin: They both go about acting like they're God.

  14. A third rate singer in a second rate band.....

  15. He's still alive?

  16. I have a twin brother who loves Springsteen. I told him how much I hated him, and he tried to tell me what a great artist the guy is. I think that I said something that included the singer's initials.

  17. I didn't get this guy when he was 'popular'; thought he was a no-talent wanna-be tough guy from Jersey. The kind of guy you only have to threaten to punch to see him fold like a napkin. Not that I wish him ill, though. I just won't listen to his music, such as it is.

  18. The dork was hyped SO hard over John Mellencamp back in the day it made me crazy. Not a tenth the talent and just goes to show the power of PR. BS sold his soul for fame. Same thing happens with people they pick for government office. People should know by now to knee jerk understand this whenever the media fill with accolades for someone we've never even heard of before.

  19. He prolly got that from BHO's dick in his mouth.


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