
Thursday, March 14, 2024

The ATF Director and His Mysterious 75-Round Clip

It turns out Joe Biden’s second choice to lead the ATF, Steve Dettelbach, wasn’t lying when he told his Senate confirmation committee that he wasn’t a firearms expert.

Dettelbach appeared Sunday on CBS’ Face the Nation, accompanied by Agent Chris, whom the ATF Director described as one of his “leading experts.” From a public relations perspective, neither man did their agency any good. From a civil rights perspective, the interview was extremely worrisome.

As someone who commands armed agents and a take-no-prisoners SWAT team, Dettelbach demonstrated zero command presence. He came across as a typical up-tight bureaucrat who likely irons his PJs before he goes to bed. Rather than a top cop, he looks like the type of guy you’d expect Golden Corral to send to your table after you complained about a roach in the coleslaw.


  1. ATF. Agents that fly. Just like the evil witches flying monkeys. I cringe watch that interview. I never saw a more clueless interview in my life.

    If that is the level of all our purported masters we are in really deep shit.

    1. Paul, we are and have been in really deep shit. However, let me remind you and all of one important fact... Wisconsin sold more deer tags this past season, than everyone in every branch of our military. The deer hunters are likely "better shots"; and go out into the woods in the cold to kill a large mammal... don't despair folks, "they" want us dispirited. Nope.

    2. I read it was more like an infomercial.

      I especially enjoyed watching the 'expert' try multiple times to remove the slide from that pistol. He then laid it down but couldn't let it be. So he tried another couple of times before the camaraman shifted to keep the 'expert' off screen.

      Top. Men.


  2. Another political hack. His only credentials that Biden needs is he's an ass kissing supporter and an anti-2nd amendment douche.

  3. He will load boxcars to Auschwitz, faultfind the gas delivery system, and optimise the corpse disposal process....and sing in church sunday and be most shockingly surprised when he sits in the dock to be judged and sentenced. Nothing new under the sun...

  4. Give a bully a badge and you get instant a-hole.

  5. “ Rather than a top cop, he looks like the type of guy you’d expect Golden Corral to send to your table after you complained about a roach in the coleslaw.”

    Masterfull…true wordsmith…

  6. If not a firearms expert, he must be an alcohol and tobacco expert.
    ...Or a puppet- like FJB.

  7. This is the output of clownworld... they send guys like that because it is intended as a humiliation ritual for the rest of us.

  8. “Shall not be infringed”.
    ATF is all about infringing on God give rights.
    All these orcs, all these orcs, have faces/names/addressed/families/routines. Make your lists now. Be “The Orkin Man”.
    Saber 7

  9. Director Snuffluppagus ain't all that smart.


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