
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How to tackle crime in Indian Country? Empower tribal justice, ex-Justice Department official says

WASHINGTON – A quarter-century ago, the Justice Department had few meaningful relationships with Native American tribes. 

While the federal government worked with state and local police and courts, tribal justice systems did not have the same level of recognition, said Tracy Toulou, who oversaw the department's Office of Tribal Justice from 2000 until his recent retirement. “They were essentially invisible,” he said.


  1. there'll be drunk "injuns" scalping goings on.

    1. That only happens in the "Pokalotatwats" tribe in Bowleggs, Oklahoma.

  2. Unfortunately reservations are run like liberal cities, rampant crime, lack of serious law enforcement along with alcohol and drug addiction.......

  3. Used to live near the Klamath Tribe in Oregon and 80% of them are pieces of shit. Lived there 4 years and had to leave before I got into a gun fight and screwed by their government paid lawyers.

    1. Correct. I lived near a reservation in Montana, and they are in fact, pieces of shit.

  4. Public safety statistics reflect the serious challenges. Native Americans and Alaska Natives are more than twice as likely to commit a violent crime, and Native American women are at least two times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted by a native American male compared with others
    There is a train car parked on the siding in Manhattan Kansas with MMIW on the side and the proclamation " no more stolen sisters".
    I call bullshit. Nearly every missing or murdered indiginous woman was a victim of a husband, father brother or lover from the reservation.


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